Unique Attack Modifiers (abbreviated UAM; formerly known as Orb Effects) are special attack modifiers Attack modifiers are modifiers which apply an effect to a unit s basic attacks. These effects can widely vary, from healing, to damaging or even disabling effects. Most of these modifiers have their own rules. For that cannot be used simultaneously with each other⃢₀ₔone always takes priority. They may be provided by abilities (e.g. Anti-Mage`s Mana Break), or items (e.g. Morbid Mask Item Changelogs Morbid MaskBL A mask that drains the energy of those caught in its gaze. Cost1100 Bought FromArcane Passive Lifesteal Bonus +10 Attack damage Disassemble? No Alert allies? No Recipe ).
Unique attack modifiers do work simultaneously with non-unique attack modifiers.
Multiple unique attack modifiers do not stack. One always takes priority, as follows:
- Unique active attack modifiers Attack modifiers are modifiers which apply an effect to a unit s basic attacks. These effects can widely vary, from healing, to damaging or even disabling effects. Most of these modifiers have their own rules. For that were cast manually.
- Unique active attack modifiers set to auto-cast.
- Unique attack modifiers granted by items.
In Ability Draft “ Play If that s the kind of fight they want, then I will give it to them! Click to listen— Legion Commander ” Game modes are a set of restrictions within which the game of Dota 2 , the first obtained UAM ability always overrides later ones. Items held by a hero prioritise by age. Items held by illusions Default buff iconPlay Spawn soundPlay Death sound “ Play A legion sprouts from one! Click to listen— Phantom Lancer ” Illusions (also commonly called illus) are imperfect, weaker copies of heroes, created by spells or items. They prioritise by inventory slot in reading order.
When attacking units that are immune to certain Unique Attack Modifiers (such as spell immune Spell Immunity Ally Interactions Enemy Interactions Default buff iconPlay Error sound “ Play Magic shall not prevail! Click to listen— Anti-Mage ” Spell immunity (formerly known as magic immunity) is a modifier heroes or buildings) with an autocast modifier, other UAMs that it is vulnerable to will be used, even if they lower in priority. For instance, Spell Immune heroes are immune to Arcane Orb, but if the hero is carrying a Morbid Mask Item Changelogs Morbid MaskBL A mask that drains the energy of those caught in its gaze. Cost1100 Bought FromArcane Passive Lifesteal Bonus +10 Attack damage Disassemble? No Alert allies? No Recipe , it will proc instead. This does not apply to non-autocastable UAMs like Mana Break⃢₀ₔthey still follow the above priority order regardless of a target`s spell immunity.
Sources of Unique Attack Modifier
- Anti-Mage - Mana BreakEffect: Burns target`s mana Play Out of mana! “ Play It s a new age of magic! Click to listen— Keeper of the Light ” Mana (also known as MP, which is short for mana points) represents the magic power of a and deals damage based on a percentage of mana burned.
Ability Type: Passive - Effect: Deals a percentage of current mana Play Out of mana! “ Play It s a new age of magic! Click to listen— Keeper of the Light ” Mana (also known as MP, which is short for mana points) represents the magic power of a as pure Damage is any means by which unit s current health can be reduced. Heroes, creeps, ancients, Roshan and fountains are all capable of dealing damage. Contents 1 Damage sources 1.1 Attack damage 1.2 Spell damage 2 damage and steals intelligence from enemy heroes.
Ability Type: Autocast
Version history
- Drow Ranger For the race in Dota 2 lore, see Drow. Hero Strategy Counters Equipment Gear Responses Sounds Lore Old Abilities Changelogs Known Bugs `s Frost Arrows is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Sand King Hero Strategy Counters Equipment Gear Responses Sounds Lore Old Abilities Changelogs Sand King 22 + 2.9 19 + 2.1 16 + 1.8 Level `s Caustic Finale is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Blight Stone Item Changelogs Blight StoneB An unnerving stone unearthed beneath the Fields of Endless Carnage. Cost300 Bought FromArmaments Passive Lesser Corruption Disassemble? No Alert allies? No Recipe The Blight Stone is an `s Lesser Corruption is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Desolator Item Changelogs DesolatorB A wicked weapon, used in torturing political criminals. Cost3500 Bought FromArtifacts Passive Corruption Bonus +50 Attack damage Disassemble? No Alert allies? No Recipe The Desolator is an Item `s Corruption is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Jakiro Hero Strategy Counters Equipment Gear Responses Sounds Lore Old Abilities Changelogs Jakiro 25 + 2.6 10 + 1.2 28 + 2.8 Level Base `s Liquid Fire is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Eye of Skadi Item Changelogs Eye of Skadi Extremely rare artifact, guarded by the azure dragons. Cost5775 Bought FromArtifacts Passive Cold Attack Bonus +25 Strength+25 Agility+25 Intelligence+225 Health+250 Mana Disassemble? No Alert allies? No `s Cold Attack Item Changelogs Eye of Skadi Extremely rare artifact, guarded by the azure dragons. Cost5775 Bought FromArtifacts Passive Cold Attack Bonus +25 Strength+25 Agility+25 Intelligence+225 Health+250 Mana Disassemble? No Alert allies? No is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Maelstrom Item Changelogs MaelstromB A hammer forged for the gods themselves, Maelstrom allows its user to harness the power of lightning. Cost2800 (700) Bought FromArtifacts Passive Chain Lightning Bonus +25 Attack speed+24 `s Chain Lightning is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Mjollnir Item Changelogs Mjollnir Thor s magical hammer, made for him by the dwarves Brok and Eitri. Cost5700 (900) Bought FromArtifacts Active Static Charge Passive Chain Lightning Bonus +80 Attack speed+24 Attack damage `s Chain Lightning is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Viper Hero Strategy Counters Equipment Gear Responses Sounds Lore Old Abilities Changelogs Viper 20 + 2.4 21 + 2.9 15 + 1.8 Level Base `s Poison Attack is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Created Blight Stone Item Changelogs Blight StoneB An unnerving stone unearthed beneath the Fields of Endless Carnage. Cost300 Bought FromArmaments Passive Lesser Corruption Disassemble? No Alert allies? No Recipe The Blight Stone is an , which has a passive Unique Attack Modifier.
- Silencer`s Glaives of Wisdom is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Orb of Venom`s Poison Attack is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Enchantress` Impetus is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Broodmother`s Incapacitating Bite is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Diffusal Blade`s Manabreak is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
- Can no longer orb walk with active attack modifier while disarmed in any way.
- Created Orb of Venom, which has a passive Unique Attack Modifier.