

There are a few items and abilities in Dota 2 which allow you to boost your gold income, namely:


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Gold is the currency used to buy items or instantly revive your hero. Gold can be earned from killing heroes   Main   Mechanics   Attributes Table   Release Dates   Grid Layout     Heroes are the essential element of Dota 2, as the course of the match is dependent on their intervention. During dota2 , creeps Creeps are basic units in Dota 2. Every unit which is not a hero, building, ward or courier is considered a creep. Creeps can belong to either faction, be neutral, or be player-controlled units. Unlike dota2 , or buildings.


Reliable & unreliable gold

A player`s gold is split into two categories:

  • Reliable gold - Any bounty you get from hero kills, Roshan, couriers, Hand of Midas, Track gold and global gold from towers is added to your reliable gold pool.
  • Unreliable gold - Everything else (starting gold, periodic gold, creep kills, neutrals, etc).

The only other difference between the two is how each one is spent:

  • Dying only takes away gold from your unreliable gold pool.
  • Buying items uses up your unreliable gold first before using your reliable gold.
  • Buyback uses reliable gold first.
  • Buyback makes you gain only 40% gold for the remaining duration on the death timer.

Hovering your mouse over the amount of total gold shown in the HUD Play “Singing trio.” It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple new articles. Reason given: The shop should get its own page Discussion to support or oppose the split should be dota2 shows your reliable and unreliable gold totals.

The purpose of separating gold into these two categories is to encourage ganking and tower pushes, which give reliable gold, rather than passive farming, which grants unreliable gold.

Starting gold

Depending on how you choose your hero to play, you get a varying amount of starting (unreliable) gold for it.

Starting Gold Method of Hero Choice
825 Gold symbol.png Selecting random
725 Gold symbol.png Selecting random and then swapping heroes with another player
625 Gold symbol.png Selecting a hero
525 Gold symbol.png Repicking a hero

Periodic gold

Each player receives 1 unreliable gold every 0.66 seconds, which results in 91 gold every minute.

Bounty Rune

Activating a Bounty Rune   Double Damage   Haste   Illusion   Invisibility   Regeneration   Bounty   Arcane     See more: Runes#List Bounty Play AbilityNo Target AffectsSelf Grants bonus Gold and XP. Initial Base Gold: 100Initial Base dota2 grants the player unreliable gold depending on the length of the game (50 + 2 Gold symbol.png per minute), except for the first Bounty Rune, which provides 100 + 2 Gold symbol.png per minute. Their value increases in 30 second intervals.

Hero kills

Hero kills grant reliable gold to the killer. Bonus gold is awarded for stopping kill streaks. The first hero that is killed in a match gives a bonus 150 reliable gold to the killer; this is called "First Blood".

When a hero dies to enemy creeps or an enemy tower and has not been damaged by any enemy heroes in the last 20 seconds (regardless of distance between heroes), the kill gold is split among all enemy heroes. When a hero dies to enemy creeps or an enemy tower and is assisted by only one enemy, that enemy is credited with the kill. When there are multiple enemies within 1300 range, the gold is split equally amongst all heroes that assisted.

Every time a hero kills an enemy hero, the killer is awarded reliable gold using the following formula:

110 + streak value + (killed hero level ℂₗ 8)

Streak Length Streak Value
Zero, one, or two kills in a row 0 Gold symbol.png
Killing Spree
(3 kills in a row)
60 Gold symbol.png
(4 kills in a row)
120 Gold symbol.png
Mega Kill
(5 kills in a row)
180 Gold symbol.png
(6 kills in a row)
240 Gold symbol.png
Wicked Sick
(7 kills in a row)
300 Gold symbol.png
Monster Kill!!!
(8 kills in a row)
360 Gold symbol.png
(9 kills in a row)
420 Gold symbol.png
Beyond Godlike!
(10 or more kills in a row!)
480 Gold symbol.png

The following deaths do not stop kill streaks or count as First Blood:

Assists (AoE gold)

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All allied heroes that are in a 1300 radius of a killed enemy including the killer (within 20 seconds of the last damage dealt to that killed enemy), is granted a certain amount of reliable gold and experience   Main   Changelogs     “ Play I grow stronger! Click to listen— Storm Spirit ” Experience allows heroes to level up, which makes them stronger and allows them to learn new abilities. Experience is earned dota2 , depending on the amount of allied heroes in that area. Note that the assist counter on the scoreboard only counts assists if you dealt damage or applied a debuff to killed enemy, or if you applied a buff to the killer, but gold and experience are awarded independently of your "assist" counter.

Assisting Heroes Gold Awarded per Hero (NW = Net Worth)
1 Hero 140 Gold symbol.png + (5 ⃗ dying hero`s level) + (0.0375 ⃗ dying hero`s NW ⃗ NW factor) + (100 Gold symbol.png ⃗ team NW disadvantage / 4000)
⃗ 1.2 - 0.1 ⃗ (dying hero`s NW ranking - 1) ⃗ NW ranking factor
2 Heroes 70 Gold symbol.png + (4 ⃗ dying hero`s level) + (0.0375 ⃗ dying hero`s NW ⃗ NW factor) + (75 Gold symbol.png ⃗ team NW disadvantage / 4000)
⃗ 1.2 - 0.1 ⃗ (dying hero`s NW ranking - 1) ⃗ NW ranking factor
3 Heroes 35 Gold symbol.png + (3 ⃗ dying hero`s level) + (0.0375 ⃗ dying hero`s NW ⃗ NW factor) + (50 Gold symbol.png ⃗ team NW disadvantage / 4000)
⃗ 1.2 - 0.1 ⃗ (dying hero`s NW ranking - 1) ⃗ NW ranking factor
4 Heroes 25 Gold symbol.png + (2 ⃗ dying hero`s level) + (0.03 ⃗ dying hero`s NW ⃗ NW factor) + (35 Gold symbol.png ⃗ team NW disadvantage / 4000)
⃗ 1.2 - 0.1 ⃗ (dying hero`s NW ranking - 1) ⃗ NW ranking factor
5 Heroes 20 Gold symbol.png + (1 ⃗ dying hero`s level) + (0.0225 ⃗ dying hero`s NW ⃗ NW factor) + (25 Gold symbol.png ⃗ team NW disadvantage / 4000)
⃗ 1.2 - 0.1 ⃗ (dying hero`s NW ranking - 1) ⃗ NW ranking factor
  • NW factor is defined as (enemy team net worth / allied team net worth) - 1 and has a minimum of zero and a maximum of 1.
  • NW ranking factor depends on the assisting hero`s NW ranking among allies involved in the kill. For 1/2/3/4/5 heroes, from the richest to the poorest, they are {1} / {0.75; 1.25} / {0.75; 1; 1.25} / {0.75; 0.75; 1.25; 1.25} / {0.75; 0.75; 1; 1.25; 1.25}.
  • (Team NW disadvantage / 4000) has a maximum of 1.


When an enemy tower Buildings are special units that are immune to most spells, use structure armor, and are immobile. Destroying a building rewards you with a bounty, similar to most creeps or heroes. Destroying towers rewards the entire dota2 is destroyed, gold is awarded to each player on your team. The player that got the last hit on the building is credited with destroying it and receives some bonus unreliable gold. If an enemy tower is denied “ Play Denied! Click to listen— Juggernaut ” Denying is the act of preventing enemy heroes from getting the last hit on a friendly unit by last hitting the unit oneself. Enemies earn reduced experience if the dota2 , a reduced amount of gold is awarded to your team. If no player gets the last hit and the tower instead dies to lane creeps, no player gets the extra bonus gold.

Building Bounty Total Bounty Awarded
Tier 1 Tower Tier 1 Tower Building Level 1 Health 1400 Health regeneration 0 Armor 14 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 100‒120 Acquisition range 700 Attack range 700 Base attack time 1 Attack animation 0.6+0.4 Projectile speed 750 dota2 120 Gold symbol.png to each player
150–250 Gold symbol.png to killing player
750–850 Gold symbol.png
Tier 2 Tower Tier 2 Tower Building Level 2 Health 1600 Health regeneration 0 Armor 16 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 142‒162 Acquisition range 700 Attack range 700 Base attack time 0.95 Attack animation 0.6+0.4 Projectile speed 750 dota2 200 Gold symbol.png to each player
150–250 Gold symbol.png to killing player
1150–1250 Gold symbol.png
Tier 3 Tower Tier 3 Tower Building Level 3 Health 1600 Health regeneration 0 Armor 16 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 142‒162 Acquisition range 700 Attack range 700 Base attack time 0.95 Attack animation 0.6+0.4 Projectile speed 750 dota2 200 Gold symbol.png to each player
150–250 Gold symbol.png to killing player
1150–1250 Gold symbol.png
Tier 4 Tower Tier 4 Tower Building Level 4 Health 1600 Health regeneration 3 Armor 24 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 142‒162 Acquisition range 700 Attack range 700 Base attack time 0.95 Attack animation 0.6+0.4 Projectile speed 750 dota2 200 Gold symbol.png to each player
150–250 Gold symbol.png to killing player
1150–1250 Gold symbol.png
Tier 1 Tower (denied) 60 Gold symbol.png to each player 300 Gold symbol.png
Tier 2 Tower (denied) 100 Gold symbol.png to each player 500 Gold symbol.png
Tier 3 Tower (denied) 100 Gold symbol.png to each player 500 Gold symbol.png
Tier 4 Tower (denied) 100 Gold symbol.png to each player 500 Gold symbol.png
Melee Barracks Melee Barracks Building Level 1 Health 1500 Health regeneration 5 Armor 15 Magic resistance 0% Collision size 144 Vision range 900 • 600 (G) Bounty 100‒150 (+ 225) Experience 0 Notes Abilities: Backdoor Protection Main dota2 225 Gold symbol.png to each player
100–150 Gold symbol.png to killing player
1225–1275 Gold symbol.png
Ranged Barracks Ranged Barracks Building Level 1 Health 1200 Health regeneration 0 Armor 10 Magic resistance 0% Collision size 144 Vision range 900 • 600 (G) Bounty 100‒150 (+ 150) Experience 0 Notes Abilities: Backdoor Protection Main dota2 150 Gold symbol.png to each player
100–150 Gold symbol.png to killing player
850–900 Gold symbol.png
Effigy Building Effigy Building Building Level 1 Health 1000 Health regeneration 0 Armor 12 Magic resistance 0% Collision size 96 Vision range 900 • 600 (G) Bounty 125 Experience 0 Notes Abilities: Backdoor Protection See more: Buildings dota2 125 Gold symbol.png to killing player 125 Gold symbol.png
Shrine Shrine Building Level 0 Health 1500 Health regeneration 0 Armor 20 Magic resistance 0% Collision size 96 Vision range 0 • 0 (G) Bounty 0 (+ 125) Experience 0 Notes Abilities: Backdoor Protection Sanctuary Main dota2 125 Gold symbol.png to each player 625 Gold symbol.png

Lane creeps

The bounty for normal creeps increases by 2 gold every upgrade cycle (7 minutes 30 seconds), while the bounty for super creeps Lane creeps are a form of creep that automatically move down the three lanes towards the enemy faction s base. Each and every 30 seconds a new group (the creep wave) spawns for each faction at dota2 increases by 1.5 gold every upgrade cycle.

Creep Starting Bounty
Melee creeps.png
Melee Creep See more: Lane creeps Melee Creep Lane Creep Level 3 Health 550 Health regeneration 0.5 Armor 2 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 19‒23 Acquisition range 500 Attack range 100 Base attack time 1 Attack animation dota2
34–38 Gold symbol.png
Ranged creeps.png
Ranged Creep See more: Lane creeps Ranged Creep Lane Creep Level 2 Health 300 Health regeneration 2 Mana 500 Mana regeneration 0.75 Armor 0 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 21‒26 Acquisition range 800 Attack range 500 Base dota2
42–48 Gold symbol.png
Siege creeps.png
Siege Creep See more: Lane creeps Siege Creep Lane Creep Level 4 Health 825 Health regeneration 0 Armor 0 Magic resistance 80% Attack damage 35‒46 Acquisition range 800 Attack range 690 Base attack time 2.7 Attack animation dota2
66–80 Gold symbol.png
Melee creeps.png
Super Melee Creep See more: Lane creeps Super Melee Creep Lane Creep Level 1 Health 700 Health regeneration 0.5 Armor 3 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 36‒44 Acquisition range 500 Attack range 100 Base attack time 1 Attack dota2
16–24 Gold symbol.png
Ranged creeps.png
Super Ranged Creep See more: Lane creeps Super Ranged Creep Lane Creep Level 1 Health 475 Health regeneration 2 Mana 500 Mana regeneration 0.75 Armor 1 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 41‒46 Acquisition range 800 Attack range 500 dota2
18–26 Gold symbol.png
Siege creeps.png
Super Siege Creep See more: Lane creeps Super Siege Creep Lane Creep Level 4 Health 550 Health regeneration 0 Armor 0 Magic resistance 80% Attack damage 51‒62 Acquisition range 800 Attack range 690 Base attack time 2.7 Attack dota2
66–80 Gold symbol.png
Mega Melee creeps.png
Mega Melee Creep See more: Lane creeps Mega Melee Creep Lane Creep Level 1 Health 1270 Health regeneration 0.5 Armor 3 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 96‒104 Acquisition range 500 Attack range 100 Base attack time 1 Attack dota2
16–24 Gold symbol.png
Mega Ranged creeps.png
Mega Ranged Creep See more: Lane creeps Mega Ranged Creep Lane Creep Level 1 Health 1015 Health regeneration 2 Mana 500 Mana regeneration 0.75 Armor 1 Magic resistance 0% Attack damage 131‒136 Acquisition range 800 Attack range 500 dota2
18–26 Gold symbol.png

Neutral creeps

Starting Gold

Depending on how you chose your Hero to play, you get a varying amount of starting gold for it.

Starting Gold Method of Hero Choice
825 Selecting Random
725 Selecting Random and then swapping heroes with another player
Re-rolling Random
625 Selecting a Hero
525 Repicking a Hero or Swapping Heroes after Selecting a Hero

Gold Loss

Unreliable gold is lost on death. The formula for gold lost is the following:

100 + Net Worth ⸣⸗ 50 = Unreliable Gold Lost

Reliable Gold

Reliable gold cannot be lost on death. You can gain reliable gold from the following:

  • Courier kills
  • Hero kills and assists
  • Global gold from an ally killing Roshan
  • Last hitting towers
  • Global gold from an ally killing a tower, barracks or shrine
  • Global gold from the enemy team denying a tower or barracks
  • Hand of Midas
  • Track

Unreliable Gold

Only unreliable gold is lost on death. You gain unreliable gold from the following:

  • Passive gold gain. Every 0.67 seconds you gain 1 unreliable gold (90 gold per minute or 1.5 gold per second).
  • SomeTalents grant extra passive gold gain. This gold is gained in increments of 1. (EG. For 150gpm, the hero earns 1 gold every 0.4s)
  • Last hitting Creeps (All creeps including Neutrals and Roshan), buildings, summons and illusions
  • Starting gold
  • Bounty Rune
  • Greevil`s Greed
  • Devour

Hero Kills

A bonus of 150 gold is awarded for making the first kill in a game. This is known as First Blood.

When you kill an enemy hero, you earn reliable gold. The amount is calculated by the following formula:

110 + (Killed Hero`s Level ℂₗ 8) + Streak Bonus = Kill Bounty

The streak bonus gold is based on the number of kills the enemy hero had before being killed:

Streak Gold Consecutive Kills Streak
0 2 or fewer kills None
60 3 kills Killing Spree
120 4 kills Dominating
180 5 kills Mega Kill
240 6 kills Unstoppable!
300 7 kills Wicked Sick
360 8 kills Monster Kill!!!
420 9 kills Godlike!
480 10 or more kills Beyond Godlike!

The following deaths do not stop kill streaks or count as first blood:

  • Deaths to neutral creeps or Roshan
  • Deaths to enemy towers with no assisting heroes
  • Denies
  • Resurrection

The following kill streak modifiers do not grant any bonus:

  • 5 or more kills by allies in a row without any allies dying (Ownage)
  • Getting 5 kills with less than 18 seconds between each kill (Rampage!!!)

Hero Assists

Heroes that are within 1300 distance of a kill earn assist gold, including the hero that made the kill. If lane creeps or towers make the kill, the kill gold is spread evenly among the assisting heroes. If there is only 1 assisting hero, it is treated as that hero`s kill. If the kill was made outside of 1300 range, the killer is still calculated in gaining assist gold.

The amount of assist gold earned depends on the number of assisting heroes, the net worth of the dying hero, and the difference in total net worth of each team:

VictimLevel = Level of the Victim
VictimNW = The victim`s Net Worth
EnemyTeamNW = Enemy team`s Total Net Worth
AlliedTeamNW = Your team`s Total Net Worth
NWDifference = (EnemyTeamNW ⃷ AlliedTeamNW) - 1 → (minimum of 0, maximum of 1)
NWFactor = NWDifference ⃗ VictimNW
NWS = (EnemyTeamNW - AlliedTeamNW) ⃷ 4000 → (minimum of 0, maximum of 1)

  • 1 Hero: 126 + (4.5 ⃗ VictimLevel) + (0.03375 ⃗ NWFactor) + (90 ⃗ NWS)
  • 2 Heroes: 63 + (3.6 ⃗ VictimLevel) + (0.03375 ⃗ NWFactor) + (67.5 ⃗ NWS)
  • 3 Heroes: 31.5 + (2.7 ⃗ VictimLevel) + (0.03375 ⃗ NWFactor) + (45 ⃗ NWS)
  • 4 Heroes: 22.5 + (1.8 ⃗ VictimLevel) + (0.027 ⃗ NWFactor) + (31.5 ⃗ NWS)
  • 5 Heroes: 18 + (0.9 ⃗ VictimLevel) + (0.02025 ⃗ NWFactor) + (22.5 ⃗ NWS)

The assist gold is then adjusted depending on the killed hero`s relative net worth in their team. From poorest to richest, the multiplier is 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.
Example: If the assist gold would normally have been 600, and the enemy hero is the poorest on their team, then the assist gold for killing that hero is reduced to 480 (600 ⃗ 0.8). If the killed hero is the richest enemy, it is increased to 720 (600 ⃗ 1.2).

The assist gold is also split based on the relative net worth among the heroes that participated in the kill. The poorest heroes to assist get 25% more, and the richest heroes get 25% less.
Example: If 5 heroes kill an enemy hero, and the assist gold would normally be 200 gold for each player, it is instead 250 (200 + 25%) for the 2 poorest heroes, 200 for the middle, and 150 (200 - 25%) for the 2 richest.

Note that assists do not appear on your score unless you deal damage to the target. The assist gold is still earned even if the score doesn`t change.


A dead hero can choose to respawn instantly by buying back. Buyback cost is calculated by the following formula:

100 + (Hero Level 2 ⃗ 1.5) + (Game Time ⃗ 15) → rounded down to a multiplier of 50 = Buyback Cost

This will take away from your reliable gold pool first. Buyback has a cooldown of 7 minutes. When you buyback, you gain 60% less gold (reliable and unreliable) until your normal respawn time finishes. Additionally, 25% of the remaining respawn time will be added to your next death.

Respawn Time

Respawn Time starts at 8 seconds from level 1, and increases by 2 seconds per level from levels 2-17. It increases by 4 per level from levels 19-24. At levels 6, 12, 18, and 25, it increases by 10 instead.

Level Time
1 8
2 10
3 12
4 14
5 16
6 26
7 28
8 30
9 32
10 34
11 36
12 46
13 48
14 50
15 52
16 54
17 56
18 66
19 70
20 74
21 78
22 82
23 86
24 90
25 100

There are several other effects that can affect respawn time. They are listed below in order of calculation priority.

1. Being reduced by Talents
Natural Respawn Time - Talent Reduction = Respawn Time
2. After using Buyback
(Remaining Respawn Time From Previous Death ⃗ 0.25) + Current Respawn Time = Respawn Time
3. After being killed by Reaper`s Scythe
Current Respawn Time + Reaper`s Scythe Time Increase = Respawn Time
4. Having Bloodstone`s Bloodpact
Current Respawn Time - (3 ⃗ Bloodstone Charges) = Respawn Time
5. After being killed by Neutrals
Minimum Respawn Time is set to 26 seconds (This only affects respawn time from levels 1-5)

Version History

Patch Version Balance Changes
  • AoE hero kill Gold and XP bounties reduced by 10% (including comeback gold and XP)
  • Passive gold income reduced by 10%
  • Talents added to game. Some Talents increase passive gold or reduce Respawn Time
  • Gold lost on death changed from 30xlevel to 100+Net Worth/50
  • Respawn time follows new formula (reduced for all levels except 25)
  • Hero Kill bounty reduced from 110+Streak+Level*9.9 to 110+Streak+Level*8
  • Assist Gold reduced
  • AoE Bounty Gold based on level reduced from 8/7/6/4/4 to 6/5/4/3/3 per level
  • AoE Gold Bounty, for teams that are behind, now has a small additional component that doesn`t fully scale with net worth (100/75/50/35/25 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes, scales linearly from 0 to 4k net worth difference)
  • Small adjustments to AoE Gold (non-networth component)
  • AoE Bonus Gold component based on Team Net Worth difference reduced by 25%
  • Hero kills (the non-net worth portions) are worth 10% more
  • Reduced the direct hero last hit bounty by 100 and redistributed that gold into AoE gold (in ratio of 100/75/40/25/20 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes)
  • AoE Bonus Gold is now distributed based on the relative net worth amongst the heroes involved in killing the hero by +/- 25%
  • The amount of AoE Bonus Gold given is now increased/decreased by up to 20% based on the dying hero’s relative rank in net worth amongst all the enemies on that team
  • Instead of Buyback temporarily preventing unreliable gold gain, it now reduces all gold gained (including hero and aoe gold) by 60%
  • Respawn time rescaled from 4*Level to 5 + 3.8*Level (total is still 100 at level 25)
  • AoE Gold NWFactor reduced from 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03 to 0.05/0.05/0.05/0.04/0.03
  • Buyback cooldown increased from 6 to 7 minutes
  • Reworked how the AoE bonus Gold calculation is done slightly: NWDifference variable is now (EnemyTeamNW/AlliedTeamNW) - 1 Min 0, Max 1
  • Rescaled the AoE Gold constant multipliers (in part to account for the formula tweak) from 0.26/0.22/0.18/0.14/0.1 to 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03
  • Kill Streak Bounty from 100→800 to 60→480
  • Adjusted bonus area of effect Gold and XP
  • First Blood bonus gold decreased from 200 to 150
  • Reworked bonus area of effect Gold and Streak ending