Removed card


Removed cards are valid Hearthstone cards Cards are the basic pieces that make up the game of Hearthstone. Each card represents an action that the player can take by playing that card. There are three main types of cards: spell cards, hearthstone which have been removed from play. These cards can no longer be collected or found in-game. All of the current list of removed cards were removed during the related content`s alpha The Hearthstone alpha was the alpha test phase in the development of Hearthstone. The alpha test presumably ended on Aug. 16th 2013, when Hearthstone began its closed beta testing phase in the Americas region. An hearthstone or closed beta The Hearthstone beta was the beta test phase in the development of Hearthstone, following the alpha test. The beta test began in its closed phase in the Americas region on Aug. 16th 2013, and in hearthstone test phases.

To be included on this page, cards and heroes should have a strong basis of factual existence prior to removal. Ideally, card data from the game itself; otherwise screenshots, or at the very least a concrete reference from a reliable source stating its existence.

For a list of removed enchantments An enchantment, or buff or debuff, is a special effect gained by a minion. Enchantments may be generated by spells, minion texts or abilities such as Battlecries, or other sources, may be temporary or permanent, hearthstone , see Enchantment list This page acts as a hub for lists of enchantments, divided by content or game mode. For basic information on enchantments, see Enchantment. Note that some of the associations between enchantments and their related cards .


Arcane Blast (removed).png
Auto-Pecker 4000.png
Devouring Ooze.png
Syndicate Spy.png
Worldflipper X-50.png
Dark Summoner.png
Darkspear Hunter.png
Demoralizing Roar.png
Jadefire Satyr.png
Mental Collapse.png
Oldtown Beggar.png
Prayer of Fortitude.png
Firebeard Herald.png
Greater Heal.png
Adrenaline Rush(180).png
Death Wish.png
Mana Spring Totem.png
Quest for Epic Loot.png
Avatar of the Coin(666).png


Without images

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan "Gadgetzan, where the gangs rule the streets; Gadgetzan, full of swindlers and cheats. Zip and sing the ring-a-ding-ding, on the mean streets of Gadgetzan! Gadgetzan, where the crime doesn t pay; Gadgetzan - but we do hearthstone

Several cards for the Kabal "Gadgetzan, where the gangs rule the streets; Gadgetzan, full of swindlers and cheats. Zip and sing the ring-a-ding-ding, on the mean streets of Gadgetzan! Gadgetzan, where the crime doesn t pay; Gadgetzan - but we do hearthstone faction in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan "Gadgetzan, where the gangs rule the streets; Gadgetzan, full of swindlers and cheats. Zip and sing the ring-a-ding-ding, on the mean streets of Gadgetzan! Gadgetzan, where the crime doesn t pay; Gadgetzan - but we do hearthstone were originally designed around the idea of gaining benefits based on how much spent or unspent mana the controlling player had. When that design idea was abandoned, the cards that interacted with the mechanic were removed as well.

Renamed cards

The following are former names of existing cards.


Metamorphosis The subject of this article has been removed from Hearthstone. Metamorphosis Set: Tutorial Type: Spell Rarity: Common Cost: 6 Do something crazy. data page] Metamorphosis is a missions spell card originally planned to be used hearthstone was planned to be used by the Illidan Stormrage Illidan Stormrage Set: Tutorial Type: Hero Health: 30 See this card on Hearthpwn data page] Illidan Stormrage, full art For the minion card of the same name, see Illidan Stormrage Illidan Stormrage is an enemy hearthstone tutorial The tutorial is the initial experience designed to introduce players to Hearthstone. It is composed of six missions , and must be completed before the player can play Hearthstone properly. The tutorial comprises a kind of hearthstone boss, but was never implemented, as it was considered that the encounter did not need it.



This section includes boss cards Boss cards are cards unique to boss encounters. They may be made available to the player, or limited to the boss itself, but are not available outside of their respective encounters. Most boss cards belong hearthstone , Hero Powers, and bosses and replacement heroes that were removed from adventures during development.

Blackrock Mountain

Chromatic Dragonkin(14572).png
Chromatic Mutation(14570).png
Chromatic Prototype(14631).png
Razorgore`s Claws(14548).png

The League of Explorers

Animated Statue(27444).png
Eye of Hakkar(27484).png
Getting Hungry(27396).png
Getting Hungry(27394).png
Getting Hungry(27395).png
Hungry Naga(27384).png
Hungry Naga(27385).png
Hungry Naga(27382).png
Hungry Naga(27383).png
Hungry Naga(27401).png
Naga Repellent(27409).png
Naga Repellent(27410).png

One Night in Karazhan


Tavern Brawls

This section includes boss cards, Hero Powers, and bosses and replacement heroes that were removed from Tavern Brawls The Tavern Brawl interface Tavern Brawl is one of Hearthstone s lighter game modes. A weekly event, a new Tavern Brawl begins each Wednesday (Thursday in Asian regions), ending the following Monday. Outside of these times, hearthstone during development. Only cards which are strongly believed to have been removed are listed here; for Tavern Brawl cards of currently unknown purpose, see Unknown Tavern Brawls.

Omnotron Defense System(14709).png
Release Coolant(22524).png
The Portal Opens(49947).png
Coalesce the Moonlight(42194).png
Drink the Moonlight(42193).png
Gearmaster Mechazod(27509).png