

Poison Touch
Blocked by Linken`s Sphere. Does not pierce spell immunity. Play
Target Unit
Damage Attack damage is the amount of damage a unit is dealing with an unmodified basic attack; the base values are different for every hero. The total attack damage of a unit is the sum of dota2
Casts a poisonous spell on an enemy unit, gradually slowing movement, and causing damage over time.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.57
Cast Range: 600/650/700/750 (Talent 700/750/800/850)
Damage per Second: 14/20/26/36 (Talent 39/45/51/61)
Move Speed Slow Duration: 3/3/3/2
Stun Duration: 0/0/0/1
Damage Duration: 7
Cooldown symbol.png 15/13/11/7 (Talent 9/7/5/1)
Mana symbol.png 70
Does not pierce spell immunity. Slow does not persist and does not stun, but deals damage if debuff was placed before spell immunity and when not dispelled.
Blocked by Linken`s Sphere. Blocked upon impact.
Debuff Poison Touch: Dispellable with any dispel.
Debuff Stunned: Dispellable with strong dispels.
One of the few Dezun rites used for offensive purposes, the paralytic enchantment often proves useful.


  • Modified values: None.
  • Deals damage in 1 second intervals, starting 3.3 seconds after the debuff is placed, resulting in 8 damage instances.
    • This means that it starts dealing damage right as the 3rd instance of slow or stun expire.
  • Multiple instances of Poison Touch fully stack with each other. Only the stun debuff gets shared.

Shallow Grave
Pierces spell immunity. Play
Target Unit
(Upgradable by Aghanim`s Scepter.⃂Target Area)
An ally blessed with Shallow Grave, no matter how close to death, cannot die while under its protection.
Cast Animation: 0.4+0
Cast Range: 550/700/850/1000 (Talent 650/800/950/1100)
Radius: 0 (Upgradable by Aghanim`s Scepter. 450)
Duration: 5
Cooldown symbol.png 60/45/30/15
Mana symbol.png 150
Upgradable by Aghanim`s Scepter. Causes Shallow Grave to be an AoE spell.
Buff Shallow Grave: Undispellable.
Only a seasoned acolyte of the Shadow can properly perform the rite of preventing death.


  • Modified values: None.
  • Prevents the target`s health from dropping below 1 for its duration. No damage can kill it for its duration, not even self-inflicted damage.
  • The target is kept alive with the Pre-Heal mechanic, which prevents the heroes` health from dropping below 1 without directly reducing incoming damage.
  • When upgraded, Shallow Grave turns into a ground-targeted ability, meaning it does not need to be centered on an ally to cast.
    • Therefore, targeting an empty area is possible as well, wasting the mana and cooldown.
    • Graves all heroes (including illusions and clones) and creep-heroes within the area.
    • Does not grave invulnerable or hidden units within the area.

Shadow Wave
Pierces spell immunity. Play
Target Unit
Allies / Enemies
Damage Attack damage is the amount of damage a unit is dealing with an unmodified basic attack; the base values are different for every hero. The total attack damage of a unit is the sum of dota2
Sends out a bolt of power that arcs between allies, healing them while damaging any units standing nearby. Dazzle is always healed by Shadow Wave.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.57
Cast Range: 900 (Talent 1000)
Damage Radius: 185
Bounce Distance: 475
Number of Bounces: 3/4/5/6
Heal: 80/100/120/140 (Talent 140/160/180/200)
Damage Attack damage is the amount of damage a unit is dealing with an unmodified basic attack; the base values are different for every hero. The total attack damage of a unit is the sum of dota2 : 80/100/120/140 (Talent 140/160/180/200)
Cooldown symbol.png 12/10/8/6
Mana symbol.png 90/100/110/120
While it is a simplistic and routine rite among Shadow Priests, the Shadow Wave is also the most critical for success.


  • Modified values: None.
  • Shadow Wave has no bounce delay, so all targets are healed at the same time.
  • Regardless of the target, Dazzle is always healed without counting towards the number of bounces, effectively healing 4/5/6/7 units.
  • Can heal up to 320/500/720/980 (Talent 560/800/1080/1400) health when all bounces hit.
  • The damage radius is centered around each healed unit. An enemy unit can get damaged by all healed units per cast.

Pierces spell immunity. Play
Applies a buff that increases the armor of allied heroes while decreasing the armor of enemy heroes in the target area over time.
Cast Animation: 0.3+0.57
Cast Range: 2000 (Talent 2100)
Radius: 575
Armor per Second: 0.75/1/1.25
Duration: 24
Cooldown symbol.png 40
Mana symbol.png 100
Buff or Debuff, based on the target`s alliance Weave Armor: Undispellable.
His ethereal journey into the Nothl realm has allowed Dazzle to mend together the powers of light and dark, creating shifting waves of enchantments.


  • Modified values: None.
  • Places a buff on allies and a debuff on enemies in the target area upon cast, so leaving or entering the area afterwards has no effect.
  • Increases or decreases armor by up to 18/24/30.
  • Successive casts of Weave fully stack. Each cast places its own buff or debuff on the units, working fully independently from each other.


Strength attribute symbol.png
16 + 2.15
Agility attribute symbol.png
21 + 1.7
Intelligence primary attribute symbol.png
27 + 3.4
Level Base 1 15 25
Health “ Play Life becomes death becomes new life. As it should be.  Click to listen— Treant Protector ” Health (also known as HP, which can be short for: health pool or health points) represents the life dota2 200 520 1120 1540
H. Regen “ Play Life becomes death becomes new life. As it should be.  Click to listen— Treant Protector ” Health (also known as HP, which can be short for: health pool or health points) represents the life dota2 0 0.96 2.77 4.06
Mana Play Out of mana! “ Play It s a new age of magic! Click to listen— Keeper of the Light ” Mana (also known as MP, which is short for mana points) represents the magic power of a dota2 75 372 889 1263
M. Regen Play Out of mana! “ Play It s a new age of magic! Click to listen— Keeper of the Light ” Mana (also known as MP, which is short for mana points) represents the magic power of a dota2 0.01 1.09 2.99 4.35
Damage Attack damage is the amount of damage a unit is dealing with an unmodified basic attack; the base values are different for every hero. The total attack damage of a unit is the sum of dota2 14‒32 41‒59 88‒106 122‒140
Armor -1 2 5.4 7.83
Spell Dmg   Spell damage   Spell damage sources     Spell damage is all damage which is not dealt by physical attacks. This includes all spells which deal magical, physical or pure damage. Even the damage dota2 0% 1.93% 5.33% 7.76%
Att / Sec The frequency with which units attack is measured in attack speed. A unit s attack speed can be modified by items, agility, abilities, and auras. Contents 1 Base attack time 2 Attack speed representation 3 Attack dota2 0.58 0.71 0.84 0.94
Movement Speed DPS multiplier when chasing Minimum (pursuer MS / target MS) Ratio for Maximum Chase DPS Movement speed (sometimes abbreviated as move speed or MS) is the speed at which a unit can move. Movement speed dota2 305
Turn Rate Turn rate is the speed at which a unit can turn. When moving to a location, a unit first turns to face that location, then begins walking. Similarly, when targeting another unit with an attack 0.6
Vision Range Vision changes around while the hero moves. Vision describes what a unit can and cannot see from its current location and state. Places a unit cannot see are filled with the Fog of War, a dota2 1100/800
Attack Range Attack range is the range at which a hero may perform his or her basic attack on another unit. There are two main subdivisions of attacks: melee and ranged. Attack range can be extended by 550
Projectile Speed 1200
Attack Animation Every unit in Dota 2 has an attack animation. In mechanical terms, this is a delay between when an attack command is issued, and damage is dealt (in the case of melee units) or a 0.3+0.3
Base Attack Time 1.7
Magic resistance Magic resistance is an attribute of heroes, similar to armor. Instead of reducing physical damage, it reduces magical damage. All heroes, except for Meepo and Visage, possess 25% magic resistance from their armor type. This dota2 25%
Collision Size 24
Legs 2

Hero stats changes: Day vision range reduced from 1800 to 1100. No other changes.



  • Replaced talents: None.
  • Upgrading health increases maximum health capacity and keeps the current health percentage.
  • The attack damage is added as bonus attack damage, and therefore does not benefit illusions.
  • The Shadow Wave talent also affects its area damage, not only its heal value.