How to get
The Coin is generated once at the start of each game, for the player selected to go second. It is uncollectible Uncollectible cards are cards which although available in-game cannot be collected by players. While these cards are often playable and obtainable by players in the course of a match, they cannot be added to players and cannot be included in players` decks.
Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
See this card on Hearthpwn
The Coin is a special uncollectible Uncollectible cards are cards which although available in-game cannot be collected by players. While these cards are often playable and obtainable by players in the course of a match, they cannot be added to players spell Fireball, a simple mage spell. It costs 4 mana, dealing 6 damage to a chosen target. Spell cards are cards that can be played to trigger a one time effect or ability, described in the card granted at the start of each game to whichever player is selected to go second. Together with the fourth starting card, The Coin is intended to counter some of the disadvantage of going second, although going first is still slightly better on average.
The Coin can be used at any time during the game to give the player an extra Mana Crystal Mana is the resource used in Hearthstone to play cards and use Hero Powers, each of which has a mana cost that must be paid to use it. The supply of mana is represented by . It is possible for The Coin to be used more than once each game with the use of copying Copy effects produce copies of existing cards. When copying living minions, this includes copying all damage and enchantments. Be that as it may, when copying a minion that has been destroyed, only the basic minion is copied. Copy effects effects like Lorewalker Cho Lorewalker Cho Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 2 Attack: 0 Health: 4 Abilities: Copy, Generate Tags: Spell-generating, Spell-related, Triggered effect Whenever a player casts a spell, put a copy into the other player s or Mind Vision Mind Vision Set: Basic Type: Spell Class: Priest Cost: 1 Abilities: Copy, Generate Tags: Random Put a copy of a random card in your opponent s hand into your hand.I see what you did there.See this , or with cards that generate new The Coin cards like Cutpurse Cutpurse Set: The Grand Tournament Type: Minion Class: Rogue Rarity: Rare Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 2 Abilities: Generate Tags: Triggered effect Whenever this minion attacks a hero, add the Coin to your hand.He has .
This can be useful in the early or late game to play a card one turn Hearthstone takes place in turns. Each turn gives a player the opportunity to act. At the end of each turn, play is passed back to the other player. A round describes one turn for each earlier than they would otherwise be played. In the early game, it can help to overcome a difficult card draw, or to allow you to place a high-cost minion on the field ahead of time. In the later game, it can be saved until an opportunity presents itself for The Coin`s extra mana crystal to provide a substantial benefit.
The Coin is a regular card, and counts towards your hand size, so you may want to keep it in your hand to use it with cards that counts towards your hand size, such as Twilight Drake Twilight Drake Set: Classic Type: Minion Subtype: Dragon Rarity: Rare Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 1 Abilities: Battlecry Tags: Hand-related Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each card in your hand.Twilight drakes feed on Mystical Energy. . It also counts as playing a spell Fireball, a simple mage spell. It costs 4 mana, dealing 6 damage to a chosen target. Spell cards are cards that can be played to trigger a one time effect or ability, described in the , which is significant for cards such as Mana Wyrm Mana Wyrm Set: Classic Type: Minion Class: Mage Rarity: Common Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 3 Tags: Spell-related, Triggered effect Whenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack.These wyrms feed on arcane energies, and while and Archmage Antonidas Archmage Antonidas Set: Classic Type: Minion Class: Mage Rarity: Legendary Cost: 7 Attack: 5 Health: 7 Abilities: Generate Tags: Spell-generating, Spell-related, Triggered effect Whenever you cast a spell, put a Fireball spell into your hand.Antonidas .
Players have a maximum of 10 mana. If you play The Coin with 10/10 mana, the extra mana will be wasted. Instead, one should play any card that uses mana and then play The Coin to refill an empty mana crystal.
Generated by
This card can also be generated by the following cards.
Against bosses
The following cards will generate The Coin when played against an adventure Choosing an adventure Game formats Each Standard year, any adventures released prior to the previous calendar year are marked as Wild format. The adventures are removed from the Shop, and players will be unable to or Tavern Brawl The Tavern Brawl interface Tavern Brawl is one of Hearthstone s lighter game modes. A weekly event, a new Tavern Brawl begins each Wednesday (Thursday in Asian regions), ending the following Monday. Outside of these times, boss, or the playable Ragnaros the Firelord hero Ragnaros the Firelord Set: Blackrock Mountain Type: Hero Health: 8 See this card on Hearthpwn data page] For other representations of Ragnaros, see Ragnaros (disambiguation) Ragnaros the Firelord is the hero created by Majordomo Executus .
- If a player`s deck is composed entirely of golden Golden cards often add movement and visual effects, like with this golden Piloted Shredder "Golden" redirects here. For information on golden heroes, see Golden heroes. Golden cards are special, rarer versions of cards. Each card cards, they will be granted a golden version of The Coin when going second.
The Coin was designed to counter the disadvantage of going second in a match. A variety of approaches were considered and tested for this purpose, including Avatar of the Coin The subject of this article has been removed from Hearthstone. Avatar of the Coin Set: Basic Type: Minion Attack: 1 Health: 1 You lost the coin flip, but gained a friend.See this card on Hearthpwn , and the second player starting with 35 Health. Be that as it may, The Coin (as well as drawing an extra card) was ultimately selected to even the balance.
In Mar. 2015 Brode stated, "the win rate is very close to 50-50 regardless of who has the coin", but that "Going 1st is slightly better". With regard to tournaments and high level play, Brode confirmed that even in the "very top 0.01%" it`s "still better to go first, on average". This state of affairs was confirmed in Apr. 2016.
Previously, during the late beta The Hearthstone beta was the beta test phase in the development of Hearthstone, following the alpha test. The beta test began in its closed phase in the Americas region on Aug. 16th 2013, and in on 5th Feb. 2014, Ben Brode Ben Brode Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 1 Your volume can t be reduced below maximum.See this card on Hearthpwn data page] "There is no way to contain the Brode." - Yong stated "It`s about three percent better to go first over second. It`s only a tiny bit better to go first at the lower levels of play." Eric Dodds Eric Dodds Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 6 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Summon Battlecry: Summon a 2/2 Pirate and destroy all Ninjas.See this card on Hearthpwn data page] Eric Dodds is a Blizzard employee, followed this by asking "are there some decks which are built around going second, and might have a small advantage for going second? Yeah, that`s certainly the case, but the advantage for going second in those decks I would imagine is less than one percent." Blizzard statistics from 8th Nov. 2013 had previously shown a 51.3% win rate for high-ranked players going first, with a slightly higher 53% for players at lower levels.
It can be argued that good use of The Coin requires an additional degree of strategy, therefore offering a disadvantage for less experienced players.
- Gallywix`s Coin Gallywix s Coin Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Spell Cost: 0 Tags: Mana-related Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only. (Won t trigger Gallywix.)See this card on Hearthpwn data page] Gallywix s Coin is an uncollectible rogue spell (generated by Trade Prince Gallywix Trade Prince Gallywix Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Class: Rogue Rarity: Legendary Cost: 6 Attack: 5 Health: 8 Abilities: Copy, Generate Tags: Spell-generating, Spell-related, Triggered effect Whenever your opponent casts a spell, gain a , a rogue Contents 1 Heroes 2 Overview 3 Background 4 Hero Power 4.1 Unique mechanics 5 Strategy 5.1 Countering a rogue 6 Spells 6.1 Uncollectible 7 Minions 7.1 Uncollectible 8 Weapons 8.1 Uncollectible 9 Leveling rewards 9.1 legendary card from Goblins vs Gnomes "Goblins and gnomes… goblins and gnomes! Both are super-brilliant - but you would never know! Everything they seem to make is faulty or explodes… Perfecting imperfection - goblins and gnomes!" Wild format Goblins vs Gnomes ) and Counterfeit Coin Counterfeit Coin Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Spell Class: Rogue Rarity: Rare Cost: 0 Tags: Mana-related Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.There is something funny about this coin… can t quite put my finger (a rogue rare card from Mean Streets of Gadgetzan "Gadgetzan, where the gangs rule the streets; Gadgetzan, full of swindlers and cheats. Zip and sing the ring-a-ding-ding, on the mean streets of Gadgetzan! Gadgetzan, where the crime doesn t pay; Gadgetzan - but we do ) have the same effect as The Coin and a similar art.