World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created by Blizzard Entertainment.
The game was first released Nov. 2004, and has since seen six expansions: The Burning Crusade (2007), Wrath of the Lich King (2008), Cataclysm (2010), Mists of Pandaria (2012), Warlords of Draenor (2014), and Legion (2016).
Set in the Warcraft universe established by the earlier real-time strategy (RTS) games Warcraft, Warcraft II and Warcraft III, World of Warcraft took the series to a new level with an immersive, persistent, explorable three-dimensional world, receiving universal acclaim upon its releaseAnnounce and winning several awards.
With a one-time record of 12 million subscribers, World of Warcraft currently holds the Guinness World Record for the world`s largest and most popular MMORPG. Its popularity has declined in recent years, but its final reported figures of 5.5 million subscribers in Oct. 2015 still place it as the world`s most subscribed MMORPG.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Hearthstone The Hearthstone icon Hearthstone (formerly known as Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1] 2]) is a free-to-play digital collectible card game from Blizzard Entertainment. It was first announced in a presentation by Rob Pardo at the of course has its roots in the Warcraft universe. Over the course of its expansions, World of Warcraft has played a huge role in creating and developing the world, creatures and heroes of Azeroth. Almost every spell Fireball, a simple mage spell. It costs 4 mana, dealing 6 damage to a chosen target. Spell cards are cards that can be played to trigger a one time effect or ability, described in the , minion Bloodfen Raptor, a simple minion card. A Beast-type minion, it has 3 Attack, 2 Health and a mana cost of 2. Minions are persistent creatures on the battlefield that will fight for their hero. Minion , item and location The battlefield (or game board) is where the action takes place, representing the board on which each game is played out. Around the battlefield are various important UI elements, such as each player s hand, deck found in the original Hearthstone was first found somewhere in World of Warcraft. As Hearthstone continues to grow, original characters and lore are becoming more common, but even these have their roots in the earlier games.
From the game`s very first announcement, there has been talk of cross-play between Hearthstone and World of Warcraft. During the game`s alpha test The Hearthstone alpha was the alpha test phase in the development of Hearthstone. The alpha test presumably ended on Aug. 16th 2013, when Hearthstone began its closed beta testing phase in the Americas region. An the developers were already discussing the possibility of allowing players to play Hearthstone from within World of Warcraft. Be that as it may, no solid plans have yet been announced.
One possible avenue for the eventual introduction of cross-play came with WoW`s Patch 5.4.0, when two full-sized Hearthstone boards were added to each faction`s shrine in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. These detailed, three-dimensional sets come with cards, mana crystals and even a tiny gryphon on the Stormwind map used by the models. NPCs can be found playing the game from nearby benches and spectating, apparently discussing the game in progress and occasionally cheering the players on. No moving parts are involved, although every so often a small Arcane Explosion Arcane Explosion Set: Basic Type: Spell Class: Mage Cost: 2 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Area of effect Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions.This spell is much better than Arcane Implosion.See this card on Hearthpwn occurs above the game board (a spell found in the game itself). Players are free to sit on the benches around unoccupied boards, with some roleplayers including games of Hearthstone in their WoW characters` activities. Some have even begun taking their WoW characters over to Hearthstone for some in-character fun with their roleplaying friends and guildmates.
To mark the release of Hearthstone, on Mar. 11th 2014 the Hearthsteed mount was made available to World of Warcraft players as a reward for winning three games in Hearthstone`s Play or Arena modes. As a free to play game, this served to encourage WoW players to try Hearthstone, and marked the first significant and rewarding crossover between the two games.
The first Hearthstone to WoW crossover promotion came in Mar. 2016 with the release of Lady Liadrin "There was a time, long ago, when I fell under the influence of treachery and darkness. I now go into battle redeemed by the purifying power of the Light! I am Lady Liadrin, and when , a paladin alternate hero The Heroes pane in the Shop Alternate heroes are cosmetic skins for existing classes. Each alternate hero belongs to a specific class, and provides an alternative to the default hero for that class. Alternate heroes who can be unlocked through raising a character to level 20 in World of Warcraft. With previous alternate heroes requiring purchase with real money, this was a significant departure from tradition, and provides substantial reward for an equally substantial investment of time in the latter game (although not money - it is possible to reach level 20 using the game`s free Starter Edition).
Liadrin was followed shortly by another alternate hero, Morgl the Oracle "The power of the elements can only be mastered by the most dedicated of wills. There is one shaman whose abilities surpass all others . Hear now his words of wisdom!" - Thrall Unintelligible murloc noises] , who appears in Legion as a minor character. Morgl is original to Hearthstone While Hearthstone is set firmly in the Warcraft universe, many characters, abilities and weapons have made their debut with Hearthstone itself. Hearthstone has also introduced numerous new character types, and titles for existing types. This , although he was first seen by players in the beta test of Legion prior to his debut in Hearthstone, causing some to believe he was originally a World of Warcraft character. The same expansion also saw Sir Finley Mrrgglton Sir Finley Mrrgglton Set: The League of Explorers Type: Minion Subtype: Murloc Rarity: Legendary Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry, Discover, Replace Hero Power Tags: Hero Power-related Battlecry: Discover a new basic Hero added as a quest-giver in Stormheim. The two therefore share the honour of being the first Hearthstone characters to be added to World of Warcraft, with both notably being murlocs. The third Hearthstone original character to be added to World of Warcraft was yet another murloc, Giantfin The subject of this article is part of theThe League of Explorers adventure. Giantfin Set: The League of Explorers Type: Hero Health: 30 (Normal)30 (Heroic) Armor: 15 (Heroic) Deal with this giant murloc to reach , appearing to confirm the game`s unique position as champion of the race.
The developers have discussed the possibility of adding further crossover in the future, such as Hearthstone card packs dropping from WoW bosses. More recently, changes to the way WoW Tokens are bought in World of Warcraft may allow players to trade in-game gold from that game for balance, which could then be used to buy Hearthstone packs, providing an effective means for players to earn Hearthstone cards through playing World of Warcraft.
A number of minor tributes to Hearthstone exist in World of Warcraft. Aside from the game boards found in Pandaria, the first tributes to be added include an NPC by the name of Benjamin Brode
The Garrison also featuresSpecial attraction the special Hearthstone Tournament follower mission, which sees the follower doing battle with "Mighty Zoo Lock", "Tricksy Miracle Rogue" and "Powerful Control Warrior". The mission rewards two items: firstly the Hearthstone Strategy Guide, which grants the Hearthstone Pro trait, turning the chosen follower into a "master tactician, and a must-watch", granting an additional 35% experience gains to the party; and the Autographed Hearthstone Card, a toy which allows the player to simulate acquiring a new Hearthstone card - although no actual item is generated. The item also has the flavor text "Signed by Trump Category:{{{location}}}]] Jeffrey Shih help] edit] Team Information Youtube: TrumpSC Twitter: TrumpSC Share this Page Tweet "Trump is the ringmaster of the circus of value." - TotalBiscuit 1] Jeffrey "Trump" Shih is a noted streamer and and Reckful Category:{{{location}}}]] Byron Bernstein help] edit] Team Information Youtube: ReckfulTV Twitter: ByronBernstein Share this Page Tweet Contents 1 Biography 2 In beta 3 Interviews 3.1 2013 4 See also Biography edit | edit source] Reckful is . Not too shabby." Subsequent expansions have added a number of similar minor items, such as the Deteriorated Hearthstone Deck, a junk item with the description "All you can discern from the faded cards are images of trees with arms and small green humanoids.", and the Golden Hearthstone Card: Lord Jaraxxus, a toy with the text "Use: Destroy your hero and replace it with Lord Jaraxxus Lord Jaraxxus Set: Classic Type: Minion Subtype: Demon Class: Warlock Rarity: Legendary Cost: 9 Attack: 3 Health: 15 Abilities: Battlecry, Equip, Replace Hero Power Tags: Hero Power-related, Weapon-generating Battlecry: Destroy your hero and replace it ." The latter epitomises the recursive relationship between the two games, with Lord Jaraxxus gaining a second wave of popularity as a Hearthstone card long after his original appearance as a World of Warcraft raid boss, with this second incarnation serving in turn to inspire a tribute item in the original game some 8 years later.
The Demon Invasion event celebrating the arrival of Legion sees NPCs named Doomsayer appear in the capital cities, spreading word of the Legion`s coming invasion. These are clearly modelled on the Doomsayer Doomsayer Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Epic Cost: 2 Attack: 0 Health: 7 Abilities: Destroy Tags: Area of effect, Triggered effect At the start of your turn, destroy ALL minions.He s almost been right so many from Hearthstone, using the same outfit seen in the card art, with blood elves for Horde and night elves for Alliance (due to faction restrictions).
A far more substantial tribute came in 2017 with the Un`Goro Madness micro-holiday, timed to celebrate the then-upcoming Journey to Un`Goro "We re almost there. Quiet down, everyone. "This is not like any of our previous expeditions. This will be far more... ambitious. We re stepping into a land of primordial wonders, infused with astonishing elemental energies. The expansion. Set in Un`Goro Crater, the setting of the Hearthstone expansion, the event saw players fighting a number of elite bosses, each possessing various " Adapations Adapt is an ability that allows the player to Discover an adaptation for a minion from a total of 10 choice cards, listed below. These adaptations give a small enhancement to the minion, allowing the ", granting them special combat abilities. The Dino Mojo consumable dropped by each boss granted players special Adaptations, improving their stats.
The Hearthstone board model currently used in World of Warcraft appears to depict a battle between Jaina "You spit on mercy? Then you will have NONE. You want carnage?! Garrosh will get more blood than he EVER bargained for!" - Jaina Proudmoore Jaina Proudmoore represents the Mage class in Hearthstone: Heroes of and Garrosh "Live by these words: Lok tar ogar. Victory...or death." - Garrosh Hellscream Garrosh Hellscream represents the Warrior class in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Contents 1 Background 2 Official overview 3 Notes 4 Flavor text 5 Emotes . It appears Jaina has the upper hand, with 2 minions on the board, and 3 cards left in her hand, while Garrosh has none of either. Jaina also has 2 mana Mana is the resource used in Hearthstone to play cards and use Hero Powers, each of which has a mana cost that must be paid to use it. The supply of mana is represented by remaining. Released prior to the introduction of limited turn time in Friendly Challenge The Friendly screen Friendly Challenge, also known as Friendly Play, is a game mode in which players can battle against other players on their friends list in private unranked matches, often referred to as duels. mode, the game is apparently a duel, since neither player appears to be falling foul of the turn timer!
- "It`s fun seeing their concepts in our game, and our concepts in theirs." - Peter Whalen Peter Whalen Peter Whalen is a Blizzard employee and Senior Game Designer 1] on the Team 5 Hearthstone development team. 2] Whalen joined the team in Jul. 2015. 3] 2] Prior to this, he is
The developers for both games frequently discuss lore ideas Hearthstone is set in the Warcraft universe, with the vast majority of characters, spells, weapons and locations drawn from World of Warcraft or earlier games. Wherever possible, the developers go to great trouble to recreate for upcoming Hearthstone content. The Hearthstone team don`t consult the World of Warcraft team on "a very detailed level", or ask for permission to run new ideas, but the two teams do sometimes swap ideas. For instance, the character Patches the Pirate Patches the Pirate Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Subtype: Pirate Rarity: Legendary Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 1 Abilities: Charge, Put into battlefield Tags: In-deck effect, Pirate-related, Triggered effect Charge. After you play originated in a meeting between members of the Hearthstone team and members of the World of Warcraft story team. Designer Peter Whalen Peter Whalen Peter Whalen is a Blizzard employee and Senior Game Designer 1] on the Team 5 Hearthstone development team. 2] Whalen joined the team in Jul. 2015. 3] 2] Prior to this, he is states that there`s "a good back and forth" between the two teams, commenting, "We`re both exploring the same world, and we`re doing what`s best for our games".
Designers of both games have also at times added elements with cross-over in mind. For example the designer who created the updated version of Rexxar Rexxar represents the Hunter class in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Contents 1 Official overview 1.1 Tracks and traps 2 Background 3 Quotes 4 Flavor text 5 Emotes 5.1 Unused 6 Trivia 7 Artist 8 Voice and his pets featured in Warlords of Draenor did so partly with an upgraded version of Animal Companion Animal Companion Set: Basic Type: Spell Class: Hunter Cost: 3 Abilities: Summon Tags: Beast-generating, Random Summon a random Beast Companion.You could summon Misha, Leokk, or Huffer! Huffer is more trouble than he s worth.See this card in mind, even going so far as to suggest to the Hearthstone team how such a card might work. Ben Brode explains:
- "We constantly inspire each other. We have a good relationship with that time. Sometimes we’ll say, `Hey, we’re working on this for an upcoming thing in case you want to use it,` and they’ll go, `Oh, definitely, send us some concept art, and we’ll send it to our illustrators and incorporate that into our next thing.`
- "It’s great. People are designing stuff in World of Warcraft hoping that we’ll make it into Hearthstone cards now. We do that all the time on our side. We design cool characters, and we’re like, `Wouldn’t it be cool if someone put this into World of Warcraft some day?` We have this fun relationship where we talk back and forth and collaborate and see what makes sense."