


    List of commands

    Commands include:


    If one sees... Then...
    plain text Enter this exactly as shown
    italics Replace this with the appropriate value.
    This is a required argument.
    square brackets This is an optional argument.
    x|y Pick one of the options shown. Available options are separated by vertical bars.
    ellipsis (...) The argument may consist of multiple words separated by spaces

    The List

    Command Syntax (Usage) Action Operator Only? Success conditions (activates comparator and stats) Bugs
    /help /help page Shows a list of all available commands No
    /me /me Shows the player`s username then (i.e. /me ran outputs *Player ran) No If parameter is entered in
    /whisper (/msg /tell) /whisper Tells a private message to No If and parameters are entered and must be online
    /achievement /achievement give player Gives an achievement or +1 value to a statistic to player. If an achievement is given, all of its prerequisites will be given as well. Yes If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block. must be a valid Statistic or achievement name.

    /advancement criterion

    Gives or takes an advancement from a player, or tests whether a player has an advancement Yes If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block. The advancement must be valid.
    /blockdata /blockdata Gives the block at the specified coordinates the data in . Yes Block at the coordinates specified must be a block that holds NBT Data.
    /clear /clear item ID DV maximum amount taken DataTag Clears from Item ID if DV and DataTag match the one in the inventory. If item ID is not specified, it completely erases the player`s inventory Yes All tags, dv, stack count, and item id must match.

    must be online.

    /clone /clone type Copies the area within the first two set of coordinates and pastes it at the third. Yes Maximum cube volume is 32,768 blocks (2^15)(8 chunks).
    /debug /debug Starts profiling a debug session or stops one. Yes
    /defaultgamemode /defaultgamemode Sets the server`s default gamemode for when players join for the first time. Yes Gamemode must be specified.
    /difficulty /difficulty Changes the difficulty of the server. Yes Difficulty must be specified.
    /effect /effect Time(seconds) amplifier Gives amplifier for Time seconds. Yes must be online

    must be a valid ID.
    Amplifier cannot go below 0 and cannot exceed 255
    Time cannot exceed 1000000

    /enchant /enchant Enchantment level Enchants the item in the s hand with . Yes must be online. must be an applicable enchantment ID (e.g. sharpness on a sword, but not on a bow). If Enchantment level is specified, it cannot go over the maximum level for the enchant. Fails if the enchantment is already on the item.
    /execute /execute Executes at the location of , relative to . Yes If a player is specified, he/she must be online.
    /fill /fill DataValue oldBlockHandling dataTag OR /fill DataValue replace Fills the between the 2 coordinates with . If replace is used for oldBlockHandling, the next parameter tells what block should be replaced. Yes Maximum cube volume is 32,768 blocks (2^15)(8 chunks).

    Block name must be a valid name.

    /gamemode /gamemode OR s - c - a - sp OR survival - creative - adventure - spectator> player Changes player`s gamemode to Yes Game mode must be specified. If the player is unspecified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block.
    /gamerule /gamerule true|false|numerical value Sets a gamerule to be true or false. If value is not specified, the gamerule`s value is returned. If the gamerule does not exist, creates a new gamerule that does not impact gameplay except via commands. See below for existing gamerules. Yes must exist if the value is not specified.
    /give /give Amount Data Value(i.e. color of wool)(Numerical Only) NBT data tag Gives Amount s. If Data Value or NBT data tag is specified, that data will be put into the item/block. Yes If and parameters are entered, must be a valid name, must be online. If Amount is specified, the Amount value must be greater than at least 1 and at most 64.
    /kill /kill player Deals 3.4*10^38 (2^128) void damage to player. Yes player must be online, if specified. If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block.
    /locate /locate Enters the coordinates of the closest in the chat Yes Valid structures are: EndCity, Fortress, Mansion, Mineshaft, Monument, Stronghold, Temple (desert and jungle, plus witch huts and igloos), and Village
    /particle /particle count player Displays the particle at , viewable only by player (if specified) count times at the specified and . Yes If a player is specified, he/she must be online.

    Particle name must be valid.

    /playsound /playsound volume pitch minimumVolume Plays to . Yes must be online.

    must be able to here the sound from the coordinates (if specified).
    volume must be at least 0.0
    pitch must be between 0.0 and 2.0
    minimumVolume must be between 0.0 and 1.0

    /publish /publish Opens the world to LAN. Yes
    /recipe take> player Unlocks or locks the recipe for player (only has an effect if the gamerule doLimitedCrafting is true). Yes If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block.
    /say /say Broadcasts . Appears as " " Yes
    /scoreboard /scoreboard Changes scoreboard settings/options with the used parameters. See Scoreboard Yes
    /seed /seed Tells the world seed. Yes
    /setblock /setblock dataValue oldBlockHandling dataTag Sets at the coordinates listed. Yes The block name must be a valid Block name.
    /setworldspawn /setworldspawn x y z Sets the server spawnpoint to x y z. If no coordinates are specified, it will be at the executor`s position. Yes Range is -30000000 to 30000000 for x and z, and 0 to 255 for y.
    /spawnpoint /spawnpoint x y z Sets `s spawnpoint at x y z. If no coordinates are specified, it will be at the executor`s position. Yes Range is -30000000 to 30000000 for x and z, and 0 to 255 for y.
    /spreadplayers /spreadplayers spreadDistance maxRange respectTeams Spreads players out with a distance of spreadDistance between them within a radius of maxRange. Yes
    /summon /summon dataTag Spawns a at x y z. If dataTag is specified, the data will go into the mob. Certain mobs cannot be spawned. Yes must be an actual entity, and the coordinates must be between -30000000 and 30000000 for the x and z, and at least 0 for the y. If the coordinates are unspecified the entity, it is summoned at the executor`s location.
    /tellraw /tellraw Sends a message to a player. When combined with /trigger, allows for non-ops to successfully click text. Yes must be online.

    must be correctly coded in JSON.

    /testfor /testfor dataTag Tests for a player or entity, and specified data if needed. Yes Must find a player or entity with correct conditions.
    /testforblock /testforblock DataValue dataTag Tests for with DV DataValue and data keys, if those two are specified. Yes must match the block at .
    /testforblocks /testforblocks Compares two areas` blocks. Gives all block ids, data values, and data tags (except for coordinate tags for the block entity) must match. Yes Two areas must be the same.
    /time /time set OR /time add Sets the time to or adds ticks to the current time Yes
    /toggledownfall /toggledownfall Turns precipitation on or off. Yes
    /tp /tp OR /tp Teleports to or Yes and must be online. parameters must be in the range of -3000000 and 3000000.
    /trigger /trigger Adds or sets to the for the player. It proves useful in tellraw texts as it is non-op friendly. Partial (see scoreboard)
    /weather /weather Time (seconds) Changes the weather to for Time seconds. Yes Time must be 1000000 or lower, and the weather type has to be specified. If the time is unspecified, it will end at a natural pace.
    /worldborder /worldborder set delay -OR- /worldborder center Sets an impassible border that is blocks as its area, and is centered on a location when "/worldborder center" is used. Any mobs outside of the box will gradually take damage. Yes
    /xp /xp OR /xp L Gives experience to , or L levels to . Yes must be online.

    For individual experience, must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (2^31); for levels, must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.

    The following commands are only available in multiplayer.
    /ban /ban reason Bans a player. Yes
    /ban-ip /ban-ip - > Stops a player`s IP from coming on. Yes
    /banlist /banlist ips Lets the player see the banned players. "IPS" makes players see banned ips. Yes
    /deop /deop Takes away operator powers from a player. Yes
    /kick /kick reason Disconnects a player from the server. Yes must be online.
    /list /list Lets players see all online players. No
    /op /op Gives a player operator powers. Yes
    /pardon /pardon Pardons, or unbans, a player. Yes
    /pardon-ip /pardon-ip Pardons, or unbans, an IP address. Yes
    /save-all /save-all Forces the server to save changes to the world save. Yes
    /save-off /save-off Stops the server from making changes to the save. Yes
    /save-on /save-on Makes the server make changes to the save. Yes
    /setidletimeout /setidletimeout Automatically kicks players after idling for minutes. Yes
    /stop /stop Saves all changes to the save, then shuts down the server. Yes
    /whitelist /whitelist OR /whitelist list OR /whitelist OR /whitelist reload Whitelist options. Yes


    Gamerule What it does
    commandBlockOutput Enables/disables text output of command block commands to console
    doFireTick Enables/disables fire spread.
    doMobLoot Enables/disables mob drops.
    doMobSpawning Enables/disables the spawning of mobs unless you want them to ex