showList of commands
Commands include:
If one sees... | Then... |
plain text | Enter this exactly as shown |
italics | Replace this with the appropriate value. |
This is a required argument. | |
square brackets | This is an optional argument. |
x|y | Pick one of the options shown. Available options are separated by vertical bars. |
ellipsis (...) | The argument may consist of multiple words separated by spaces |
The List
Command | Syntax (Usage) | Action | Operator Only? | Success conditions (activates comparator and stats) | Bugs |
/help | /help page | Shows a list of all available commands | No | ||
/me | /me | Shows the player`s username then | No | If | |
/whisper (/msg /tell) | /whisper | Tells a private message to | No | If | |
/achievement | /achievement give | Gives an achievement or +1 value to a statistic to player. If an achievement is given, all of its prerequisites will be given as well. | Yes | If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block. | |
/advancement | /advancement | Gives or takes an advancement from a player, or tests whether a player has an advancement | Yes | If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block. The advancement must be valid. | |
/blockdata | /blockdata | Gives the block at the specified coordinates the data in | Yes | Block at the coordinates specified must be a block that holds NBT Data. | |
/clear | /clear | Clears | Yes | All tags, dv, stack count, and item id must match. | |
/clone | /clone | Copies the area within the first two set of coordinates and pastes it at the third. | Yes | Maximum cube volume is 32,768 blocks (2^15)(8 chunks). | |
/debug | /debug | Starts profiling a debug session or stops one. | Yes | ||
/defaultgamemode | /defaultgamemode | Sets the server`s default gamemode for when players join for the first time. | Yes | Gamemode must be specified. | |
/difficulty | /difficulty | Changes the difficulty of the server. | Yes | Difficulty must be specified. | |
/effect | /effect | Gives | Yes |
| |
/enchant | /enchant | Enchants the item in the | Yes | | |
/execute | /execute | Executes | Yes | If a player is specified, he/she must be online. | |
/fill | /fill | Fills the between the 2 coordinates with | Yes | Maximum cube volume is 32,768 blocks (2^15)(8 chunks). Block name must be a valid name. | |
/gamemode | /gamemode OR s - c - a - sp OR survival - creative - adventure - spectator> player | Changes player`s gamemode to | Yes | Game mode must be specified. If the player is unspecified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block. | |
/gamerule | /gamerule | Sets a gamerule to be true or false. If value is not specified, the gamerule`s value is returned. If the gamerule does not exist, creates a new gamerule that does not impact gameplay except via commands. See below for existing gamerules. | Yes | | |
/give | /give | Gives | Yes | If | |
/kill | /kill player | Deals 3.4*10^38 (2^128) void damage to player. | Yes | player must be online, if specified. If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block. | |
/locate | /locate | Enters the coordinates of the closest | Yes | Valid structures are: EndCity, Fortress, Mansion, Mineshaft, Monument, Stronghold, Temple (desert and jungle, plus witch huts and igloos), and Village | |
/particle | /particle | Displays the particle | Yes | If a player is specified, he/she must be online. Particle name must be valid. | |
/playsound | /playsound | Plays | Yes |
| |
/publish | /publish | Opens the world to LAN. | Yes | ||
/recipe | take> player | Unlocks or locks the recipe doLimitedCrafting is true). | Yes | If no player is specified, defaults to the command`s executor. Must be specified if in a command block. | |
/say | /say | Broadcasts | Yes | ||
/scoreboard | /scoreboard | Changes scoreboard settings/options with the used parameters. See Scoreboard | Yes | ||
/seed | /seed | Tells the world seed. | Yes | ||
/setblock | /setblock | Sets | Yes | The block name must be a valid Block name. | |
/setworldspawn | /setworldspawn x y z | Sets the server spawnpoint to x y z. If no coordinates are specified, it will be at the executor`s position. | Yes | Range is -30000000 to 30000000 for x and z, and 0 to 255 for y. | |
/spawnpoint | /spawnpoint | Sets | Yes | Range is -30000000 to 30000000 for x and z, and 0 to 255 for y. | |
/spreadplayers | /spreadplayers | Spreads players out with a distance of spreadDistance between them within a radius of maxRange. | Yes | ||
/summon | /summon | Spawns a | Yes | | |
/tellraw | /tellraw | Sends a message to a player. When combined with /trigger, allows for non-ops to successfully click text. | Yes | | |
/testfor | /testfor | Tests for a player or entity, and specified data if needed. | Yes | Must find a player or entity with correct conditions. | |
/testforblock | /testforblock | Tests | Yes | | |
/testforblocks | /testforblocks | Compares two areas` blocks. Gives all block ids, data values, and data tags (except for coordinate tags for the block entity) must match. | Yes | Two areas must be the same. | |
/time | /time set | Sets the time to | Yes | ||
/toggledownfall | /toggledownfall | Turns precipitation on or off. | Yes | ||
/tp | /tp | Teleports | Yes | | |
/trigger | /trigger | Adds or sets | Partial (see scoreboard) | ||
/weather | /weather Time (seconds) | Changes the weather to for Time seconds. | Yes | Time must be 1000000 or lower, and the weather type has to be specified. If the time is unspecified, it will end at a natural pace. | |
/worldborder | /worldborder set | Sets an impassible border that is | Yes | ||
/xp | /xp | Gives | Yes | For individual experience, must be between 0 and 2,147,483,647 (2^31); for levels, must be between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. | |
The following commands are only available in multiplayer. | |||||
/ban | /ban | Bans a player. | Yes | ||
/ban-ip | /ban-ip - | Stops a player`s IP from coming on. | Yes | ||
/banlist | /banlist ips | Lets the player see the banned players. "IPS" makes players see banned ips. | Yes | ||
/deop | /deop | Takes away operator powers from a player. | Yes | ||
/kick | /kick | Disconnects a player from the server. | Yes | | |
/list | /list | Lets players see all online players. | No | ||
/op | /op | Gives a player operator powers. | Yes | ||
/pardon | /pardon | Pardons, or unbans, a player. | Yes | ||
/pardon-ip | /pardon-ip | Pardons, or unbans, an IP address. | Yes | ||
/save-all | /save-all | Forces the server to save changes to the world save. | Yes | ||
/save-off | /save-off | Stops the server from making changes to the save. | Yes | ||
/save-on | /save-on | Makes the server make changes to the save. | Yes | ||
/setidletimeout | /setidletimeout | Automatically kicks players after idling for | Yes | ||
/stop | /stop | Saves all changes to the save, then shuts down the server. | Yes | ||
/whitelist | /whitelist | Whitelist options. | Yes |
Gamerule | What it does |
commandBlockOutput | Enables/disables text output of command block commands to console |
doFireTick | Enables/disables fire spread. |
doMobLoot | Enables/disables mob drops. |
doMobSpawning | Enables/disables the spawning of mobs unless you want them to ex |