Temple of the Sacred Memories HUD


Temple of the Sacred Memories HUD
Cosmetic icon Temple of the Sacred Memories HUD.png
HUD Skin
Created By


Megalodon Cup Season 2 Megalodon Cup Season 2 Ticket Rarity: UncommonSlot: League Bundle Buy Now on Market The top 16 teams in South America compete in the second seasno of the Megalodon Cup for R$1200! Bundle includes the Temple dota2
Megalodon Cup Season 2 Ticket Megalodon Cup Season 2 Ticket Ticket Rarity: Common Buy Now on Market The top 16 teams in South America compete in the second seasno of the Megalodon Cup for R$1200! Released29 Apr 2014 OriginDeleted from dota2
Temple of the Sacred Memories HUD
Temple of the Sacred Memories Loading Screen Temple of the Sacred Memories Loading Screen Loading Screen Rarity: CommonSlot: Loading Screen Buy Now on Market Released29 Apr 2014 OriginPurchase Megalodon Cup Season 2 Megalodon Cup Season 2 TicketTemple of the Sacred Memories HUDTemple dota2

This item is part of the Megalodon Cup Season 2 Megalodon Cup Season 2 Ticket Rarity: UncommonSlot: League Bundle Buy Now on Market The top 16 teams in South America compete in the second seasno of the Megalodon Cup for R$1200! Bundle includes the Temple dota2 bundle.

HUD skins HUD Skins are items that modify the appearance of the in-game heads-up display, or HUD. Like Announcers, they can be shared with team-mates through the Shared Content panel. Aspect Ratio edit] HUD skins have slightly dota2 have slightly different appearances depending on your monitor`s aspect ratio.



Set Items

Temple of the Sacred Memories HUD
Temple of the Sacred Memories HUD