Zombie Pigman


Zombie pigmen tend to move relatively slowly. They can drown, but are immune to fire and lava damage. Baby zombie pigmen are faster than adult zombie pigmen.

Like zombies, some zombie pigmen will sometimes bang on wooden doors, and in Hard difficulty, they even break them.

Some zombie pigmen have the ability to pick up items. They will even pick up a weapon if they feel it is better than their golden sword, dropping their golden sword with the same chance as if killed with Looting I.


Zombie pigmen are common neutral mobs "Monster" redirects here. For the mob called "monster" in the code, see Human. Mobs are living, moving game entities. The term "mob" is short for "mobile". 1] Contents 1 Spawning 2 Behavior 3 List of minecraft that live in the Nether A view of the Nether. The Nether is a hell-like dimension, filled with fire, lava, and dangerous mobs. Contents 1 Accessing 2 Environment 2.1 Mobs 3 Generation 3.1 Naturally generated 3.2 Naturally created 3.3 Structures minecraft .



  • The zombie pigman skin file has "THX XAPHOBIA" written on the unused section as a credit by Notch to the skin`s original creator, XaPhobia.


Zombie pigmen can spawn in the Nether, from Nether portals, or from pigs. They have a 5% chance of spawning as a baby zombie pigman, and a baby zombie pigman has a 5% chance of spawning as a pigman jockey Chicken Jockey Health points Baby Zombie: 20 () Chicken: 4 () Armor points Baby Zombie: 2 () Attack strength Chicken Jockey: Easy: 2 () Normal: 3 () Hard: 4 () Pigman Chicken Jockey: Easy: 5 () minecraft .

All zombie pigmen spawn with a golden sword Sword Type Combat Durability Wooden: 60 Golden: 33 Stone: 132 Iron: 251 Diamond: 1562 Renewable Yes Stackable No Data values See Data values Name See Data values Swords are melee weapons that are mainly used minecraft , which may randomly be enchanted. This chance increases at higher difficulties, and the sword`s enchantment will more commonly be of a higher level.


Zombie pigmen spawn in groups of 4 in the Nether A view of the Nether. The Nether is a hell-like dimension, filled with fire, lava, and dangerous mobs. Contents 1 Accessing 2 Environment 2.1 Mobs 3 Generation 3.1 Naturally generated 3.2 Naturally created 3.3 Structures minecraft at any light level.

Nether portals

When a Nether portal block Nether Portal Transparency Yes Luminance Yes, 11 Blast resistance 0 Tool None Renewable No Stackable N/A Flammable No Drops Nothing Data value dec: 90 hex: 5A bin: 1011010 Name portal See the block that makes minecraft in the Overworld The Overworld, as seen in an extreme hills and a forest biome The Overworld is the dimension in which all players begin their Minecraft journey. Contents 1 Creation 1.1 Seeds 2 Environment 2.1 Biomes 2.2 minecraft receives a block tick Nearly all video games (including Minecraft) are driven by one big program loop. Just as every gear in a clock is synchronized with the pendulum, every task involved in advancing a game simulation is synchronized , there is a small chance (1/2000 on Easy, 2/2000 on Normal, and 3/2000 on Hard) it will spawn a zombie pigman on the portal frame beneath it. If a zombie pigman spawned in this way does not leave the portal it spawns on, there is a possibility it will teleport to the nether.


A zombie pigman will spawn when lightning Lightning during a thunderstorm. A lightning bolt strikes a tree. A creeper can be seen hopping about in the woods. If it had been closer to the strike, it would have become charged. Thunderstorms are minecraft strikes within 4 blocks of a pig Pig Health points 10 () Size Adult: Height: 0.9 Blocks Width: 0.9 Blocks Baby: Height: 0.45 Blocks Width: 0.45 Blocks Spawn Opaque blocks with a (Minimum) two block space above them. First appearances See History minecraft . If the player is riding the pig when lightning hits it, a zombie pigman will appear on top of the player. Even if the pig is a baby, the zombie pigman will still be an adult.


Zombie pigmen drop 0⃢₀ₓ1 rotten flesh Rotten Flesh Type Food Restores 4 () 80% chance of Hunger for 0:30 Cookable No Renewable Yes Stackable Yes (64) First appearances See History Data value dec: 367 hex: 16F bin: 101101111 Name rotten_flesh Rotten flesh is a minecraft and 0⃢₀ₓ1 gold nuggets. The maximum amount of each can be increased by 1 per level of Looting used, up to a maximum of 4 each at Looting III.

Zombie pigmen have a 2.5% chance to drop a gold ingot and an 8.5% chance to drop their sword when their death is registered as a player kill. The chances of each can be increased by 1% per level of Looting used, up to a 5.5% chance for a gold ingot and an 11.5% chance for a golden sword at Looting III.

Zombie pigmen drop 5 experience, or 12 if they are a baby zombie pigman, when their death is registered as a player kill. Since 1.8, deaths of hostile pigmen will always be registered as kills by the player they are targeting, regardless of whether that player ever touched that pigman.

All items zombie pigmen have picked up after spawning will be dropped upon death.


On Halloween (Oct. 31), zombie pigmen have a 22.5% chance of spawning with a pumpkin or a 2.5% chance of spawning with a jack o`lantern equipped as headgear.

If a zombie pigman wearing a pumpkin or jack o`lantern is killed using a tool enchanted with Looting, there will be a chance equivalent to the level of Looting used to drop the pumpkin or jack o`lantern, up to a maximum of a 3% chance at Looting III.


Zombie pigmen have 20 () health and 2⃂() armor points, which usually only reduces 0.016% of damage, due to how armor works.

When aggravated, their speed will significantly increase to faster than the player`s walking speed. They will also make an aggressive noise between 0 to 39 ticks after they are attacked. The pigmen will crowd around and try to overwhelm the player. Each pigman can deal 5 () on Easy, 9 () on Normal, or 13 () on Hard per hit.

In addition, some zombie pigmen will have the ability to spawn reinforcements when attacked, including when killed in a single hit. Due to a bug, the spawned reinforcement will sometimes be a regular zombie.

Zombie pigmen are damaged by the status effect Healing and healed by the status effect Harming. They are immune to both the status effects Regeneration and Poison.


Zombie pigmen are not initially hostile, but all zombie pigmen within a 67⃗67⃗21 to 111⃗111⃗21 area centered on the attacked pigman will become aggressive and converge on the player if any individual is attacked, unless the pigman attacked is killed in one hit. This applies to any hit registered as coming from the player or other mobs, including deflecting ghast fireballs.

Zombie pigmen will remain hostile for 20 to 39.95 seconds, although they will continue to pursue an already-targeted player after this time until the player escapes their 40 block pursuit radius. Approaching within 35 blocks of an already hostile zombie pigman causes it to sound an alarm call, angering other zombie pigmen in a 40-block radius. The forgiveness timer does not advance for zombie pigmen in unloaded chunks. Thus, if the player enters a Nether portal and returns, any provoked zombie pigmen in the area will still be aggressive unless another player was nearby to keep the chunks loaded. Dying will not cause zombie pigmen to become neutral towards the player, regardless of whether they killed you. Furthermore, they will still pursue even if the player is under the effects of Invisibility.

Non-hostile zombie pigmen will not prevent a player from sleeping in a bed.Javaedition only

Data values

See also: Chunk format

Zombie pigmen have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the mob. Their entity ID is zombie_pigman.

  • Entity data
    • Tags common to all entities see Template:Nbt inherit/entity/template
    • Tags common to all mobs see Template:Nbt inherit/mob/template

    • IsBaby: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if this zombie is a baby. May be absent.

    • CanBreakDoors: 1 or 0 (true/false) - true if the zombie can break doors (default value is 0).

    • Anger: Ticks until the zombie pigman becomes neutral. -32,768 to 0 for neutral zombie pigmen; 1 to 32,767 for angry zombie pigmen. Value depletes by one every tick if value is greater than 0. When the value turns from 1 to 0, the zombie pigman does not stop tracking the player until the player has exited the zombie pigman`s detection radius. When hit by a player or when another zombie pigman within 32 blocks is hit by a player, the value is set to a random number between 400 and 800.

    • HurtBy: The UUID of the last player that attacked the zombie pigman.


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Internal ID
Adventure Adventure, exploration, and combat ⃢₀ₔ Kill any entity, or be killed by any entity. minecraft:adventure/root
Monster Hunter Kill any hostile monster Adventure Kill one of these 22 mobs. Other mobs are ignored for this advancement. minecraft:adventure/kill_a_mob
Monsters Hunted Kill one of every hostile monster Monster Hunter Kill each of these 22 mobs. Other mobs may be killed, but are ignored for the advancement. minecraft:adventure/kill_all_mobs



1.2.0 Oct. 25, 2010 Notch tweets that he is working on a second mob for the Nether, stating that they are less dangerous than ghasts and are "kind of pointless."
Oct. 29, 2010 Zombie pigmen were originally presented as unarmed neutral creatures in a preview before the Halloween Update.
The green liquid in the zombie pigman skin was originally blood red, but this was changed because Notch considered it too gory, stating that "it`s more fun to be scary without blood."
Halloween Update Added zombie pigmen in the Halloween Update. Zombie pigmen never forgave the player once attacked and drop 0-2 cooked porkchops. They were erroneously referred to as "Pig Zombie" in the language file.
1.5 Pigs struck by lightning in the Overworld will change into zombie pigmen.
1.8 Zombie pigmen no longer drop cooked porkchops, and now drop rotten flesh Rotten Flesh Type Food Restores 4 () 80% chance of Hunger for 0:30 Cookable No Renewable Yes Stackable Yes (64) First appearances See History Data value dec: 367 hex: 16F bin: 101101111 Name rotten_flesh Rotten flesh is a minecraft .
Official release
1.0.0 Beta 1.9-pre1 Zombie pigmen drop gold nuggets in addition to rotten flesh.
Beta 1.9-pre2 Zombie pigmen have 2 armor points, like zombies. It prevents 8% of damage.
Beta 1.9-pre5 Zombie pigmen, skeletons and zombies can be damaged by splash potions of healing, and will be healed by splash potions of harming. In addition, a sword enchanted with Smite will do extra damage to zombie pigmen.
1.2.1 12w06a Zombie pigmen have a rare chance of dropping gold ingots, golden helmets or their own golden swords, which may be enchanted. The sword will be enchanted with a random level 5 enchantment.
? Zombie pigmen had their name fixed from "Pig Zombie" to "Zombie Pigman".
1.3.1 12w22a Zombie pigmen can now spawn in the Overworld from Nether portals.
1.4.2 12w32a Zombie pigmen could rarely carry enchanted swords and wear any type of armor. Also, the sword they`re carrying now increases damage.
Some zombie pigmen can now pick up dropped items.
12w34b In the Overworld, zombie pigmen are now eager to get back in the Nether Portal.
12w36a The zombie and zombie pigman models and textures have an addition 32 pixels of empty space below the texture.
? On Halloween, zombie pigmen have a chance of spawning with a pumpkin or jack o`lantern on its head.
1.6.2 Baby Zombie Pigman now spawn naturally.
1.7.2 13w36a When struck by lightning, zombie pigmen now spawn with golden swords.
1.7.4 13w49a Added chicken jockeys. Since zombie pigmen share some of the zombie .class files there are also pigman jockeys - a rare version of the baby zombie pigman.
? Baby zombie pigmen with the Villager tag now have skulls. Prior to this update, they looked like this: Baby pigman no skull.png
1.8 14w03a Now only drop gold nuggets/gold swords when killed by the player, either through combat or potions, or player-activated mechanisms such as manually lit TNT. If killed without player intervention, only drops rotten flesh. This makes automatic gold farms impossible.
14w04a The above change was reverted.
14w06a Zombie pigmen use the new mob AI, allowing them to navigate obstacles.
Zombie pigmen will forgive after 20 to 39.95 seconds, although they will continue to attack until the player gets outside their aggressive distance.
14w07a Baby zombie pigmen will no longer forgive.
14w11a Now run away from creepers that are about to explode.
1.8-pre1 Baby zombie pigmen forgive again.
1.8.1 1.8.1-pre1 No longer runs away from creepers that are about to explode.
1.9 15w34a Now have an attack animation without weapons.
1.11 16w32a The entity ID is changed from PigZombie to zombie_pigman.
Their in-game name is now "Zombie Pigman" instead of "Zombie" in their name tag when they have CustomNameVisible enabled.
1.12 17w06a Non-hostile zombie pigmen no longer prevent a player from sleeping in a bed.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.5.0 Added Zombie pigmen, which only spawn in nether reactors. They are hostile to all players, but have a shorter sight range. At long last, their drops are different than PC: 0-1feathers and/or a gold ingot.
0.7.2 Added new sounds for the zombie pigmen.
0.8.1 Zombie pigmen no longer damage when they are burning in the daylight.
0.9.0 Zombie pigmen can now be spawned via spawn egg.
0.9.2 Now rarely drops carrots and potatoes.
Zombie pigman now have attacking animation.
0.9.4 Now have 2⃂() armor points, which reduces 8% of damage.
0.11.0 build 1 Zombie Pigman can now spawn 3 Zombie pigmen instead of one in nether reactors.
Zombie Pigmen are smarter than they were before.
Zombie pigmen now have the hat layer.
Zombie pigmen now have their arms out like regular zombies.
Zombie pigmen no longer burn in the sunlight.
build 2 Zombie pigmen can now spawn as babies
0.12.1 build 1 Zombie pigmen now spawn in the nether.
Zombie pigmen now use the new AI
Zombie pigmen are now neutral.
Zombie pigmen can now wear armor.
build 11 Have a chance to spawn with enchanted swords.
build 12 Now attack iron golems.
Pocket Edition
1.1 build 1 The entity ID is changed from pig_zombie to zombie_pigman.
Console Edition
TU1 CU1 1.0 Patch 1 Added zombie pigmen.
TU12 Zombie pigmen have a rare chance of dropping gold ingots, golden helmets or their own golden swords which can be enchanted. The sword will be enchanted with a random level 5 enchantment.
TU14 1.04 Zombie pigmen can spawn in the Overworld from Nether portals.
TU19 CU7 1.12 Added baby zombie pigmen. Zombie pigmen can also now wear armor or weapons.
TU31 CU19 1.22 Patch 3 Zombie pigmen will forgive after 20 to 39.95 seconds, although they will continue to attack until the player gets outside their aggro distance.


Issues relating to ⃢₀ₜZombie Pigman⃢₀₝ are maintained on the issue tracker. Report issues there.
