Issues notice


Minecraft Wiki no longer maintains issue reports.
If you are looking for the outdated 1.3.2 issues page, see Issues/1.3.2. For the outdated Pocket Edition issues page, see Pocket Edition issues/0.5.0. The sidebar to the right lists archived issue pages.
Full releases
Weekly releases

Official bug tracker

As of Oct. 24, 2012, Mojang now has an official bug tracker. For technical reasons, a wiki is not an ideal way to track bugs, and therefore from release 1.4.2pre onwards, these wiki pages will not be updated.

Although this new Minecraft bug tracker will mostly be community organized and run, it will be the official location to report bugs in Minecraft that we’ll be keeping an eye on. ... We’ll be using this new bug tracker for all future releases of Minecraft. If you’re already familiar with JIRA and want to get right into reporting a bug, go check out the new Minecraft Bug Tracker here!
Mojang on the release of their bug tracker

The bug tracker:

The PE bug tracker:

How to write helpful bug reports for Minecraft:

Browse reported bugs

Report a new bug


Guidelines for making good bug reports

  • Please search before creating a report to make sure your issue hasn`t already been reported. If it has, please add your info to the discussion there instead.
  • Submit one issue per report please, as it`s easier for Mojang to follow and manage.
  • Please provide a (to the point) summary of your problem. Avoid one word summaries and things like "help!!!" or, "I have a problem". Be as specific as you can about what the problem is in about 4-8 words.
  • The description should contain details of the problem and how to reproduce it, so that we can more easily track down the problem and try to fix it.
  • If you`ve discovered an exploit or a security issue, please create a Private report that only you and Mojang will be able to see.