Living Mana Hearthstone

living mana

Kara Kazham! (Kara Kazham!) Hearthstone

Kara Kazham! Set: One Night in Karazhan Type: Spell Class: Warlock Rarity: Common Cost: 5 Abilities: Summon Summon a 1/1 Candle, 2/2 Broom, and 3/3 Teapot.This is what happens when you tell Khadgar to set
Shade of Naxxramas (Shade of Naxxramas) Hearthstone

Shade of Naxxramas Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Epic Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 2 Abilities: Stealth Tags: Triggered effect Stealth. At the start of your turn, gain +1/+1.The Shades of Naxxramas hate the living.
Core Hound (Core Hound) Hearthstone

Core Hound Set: Basic Type: Minion Subtype: Beast Cost: 7 Attack: 9 Health: 5 You don’t tame a Core Hound. You just train it to eat someone else before it eats you.See this card on
Hemet Nesingwary (Hemet Nesingwary) Hearthstone

Hemet Nesingwary Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 6 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry, Destroy Tags: Beast-related Battlecry: Destroy a Beast.It s hard to make a living as a hunter in a
Mr. Bigglesworth (Mr. Bigglesworth) Hearthstone

        The subject of this article is part of the           Curse of Naxxramas adventure Mr. Bigglesworth Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Subtype: Beast Rarity: Legendary Attack: 1 Health: 1 This is Kel Thuzad s kitty.See this card on Hearthpwn
Core Rager (Core Rager) Hearthstone

Core Rager Set: Blackrock Mountain Type: Minion Subtype: Beast Class: Hunter Rarity: Rare Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 4 Abilities: Battlecry Tags: Hand-related Battlecry: If your hand is empty, gain +3/+3.It takes a special kind
Baron Rivendare (Baron Rivendare) Hearthstone

Baron Rivendare Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 4 Attack: 1 Health: 7 Tags: Deathrattle-related, Ongoing effect Your minions trigger their Deathrattles twice.There used to be five Horsemen but one of them left because
Gluth (Gluth) Hearthstone

        The subject of this article is part of the           Curse of Naxxramas adventure Gluth Set: Naxxramas Type: Hero Health: 30 (Normal)45 (Heroic) The foul plague-dog of Naxxramas has an appetite so voracious that even the
Loatheb (Loatheb) Hearthstone

Loatheb Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Battlecry, Modify cost Tags: Spell-related Battlecry: Enemy spells cost (5) more next turn.Loatheb used to be a simple Bog Beast. This
Khadgar (Khadgar) Hearthstone

Khadgar is an alternate hero for the Mage class in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Contents 1 Background 2 How to get 2.1 Previous availability 3 Functionality 4 Flavor text 5 Emotes 5.1 Unused 6 History