Death Bite Hearthstone

death bite

Flesheating Ghoul (Flesheating Ghoul) Hearthstone

Flesheating Ghoul Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 3 Tags: Death-related, Triggered effect Whenever a minion dies, gain +1 Attack. Flesheating is an unfair name. It s just that there s not really
Feugen (Feugen) Hearthstone

Feugen Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 4 Health: 7 Abilities: Deathrattle, Summon Deathrattle: If Stalagg also died this game, summon Thaddius.Feugen is sad because everyone likes Stalagg better.See this card on
Baron Rivendare (Baron Rivendare) Hearthstone

Baron Rivendare Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 4 Attack: 1 Health: 7 Tags: Deathrattle-related, Ongoing effect Your minions trigger their Deathrattles twice.There used to be five Horsemen but one of them left because
Cult Master (Cult Master) Hearthstone

Cult Master Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 2 Abilities: Draw cards Tags: Death-related, Triggered effect Whenever one of your other minions dies, draw a card.She may be an evil
Avenge (Avenge) Hearthstone

Avenge Set: Naxxramas Type: Spell Class: Paladin Rarity: Common Cost: 1 Abilities: Secret Tags: Death-related, Random, Triggered effect Secret: When one of your minions dies, give a random friendly minion +3/+2.Several paladins have joined together
Mad Scientist (Mad Scientist) Hearthstone

Mad Scientist Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 2 Abilities: Deathrattle, Put into battlefield Tags: Random, Secret-related Deathrattle: Put a Secret from your deck into the battlefield.His mother wanted him
Grievous Bite (Grievous Bite) Hearthstone

Grievous Bite Set: Journey to Un Goro Type: Spell Class: Hunter Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Positional effect Deal 2 damage to a minion and 1 damage to adjacent ones.Ooh. I ll have a
Weasel Tunneler (Weasel Tunneler) Hearthstone

Weasel Tunneler Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Subtype: Beast Rarity: Epic Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 1 Abilities: Deathrattle, Shuffle into deck Deathrattle: Shuffle this minion into your opponent s deck.He s the reason the
Kabal Trafficker (Kabal Trafficker) Hearthstone

Kabal Trafficker Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Warlock Rarity: Epic Cost: 6 Attack: 6 Health: 6 Abilities: Generate Tags: Demon-related, Random, Triggered effect At the end of your turn, add a random
Death's Bite (Death's Bite) Hearthstone

Death s Bite Set: Naxxramas Type: Weapon Class: Warrior Rarity: Common Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Durability: 2 Abilities: Deal damage, Deathrattle Tags: Area of effect Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions."Take a bite outta Death."