Unearthed Raptor

How to get

Regular Unearthed Raptor is obtained x2⃂by defeating the Mine Cart Rush The subject of this article is part of theThe League of Explorers adventure. Mine Shaft Set: The League of Explorers Type: Hero Escape the troggs in this “super safe” mine cart! data page] Mine Cart hearthstone encounter in The League of Explorers "We ve traversed the tombs of Naxxramas; we ve climbed every cliff on Blackrock. Now, the world cries out for heroes, as a new evil rises. There will be danger! There will be doom! There will be hearthstone `s second wing, Uldaman "We ve traversed the tombs of Naxxramas; we ve climbed every cliff on Blackrock. Now, the world cries out for heroes, as a new evil rises. There will be danger! There will be doom! There will be hearthstone .

Once the regular version has been obtained, both regular and golden versions can be crafted Crafting mode, in Standard format mode The crafting system is an element of Hearthstone that allows players to directly create new cards. It can be accessed through the My Collection screen. Crafting consumes Arcane Dust hearthstone and disenchanted.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
Unearthed Raptor 100 20
Golden Golden cards often add movement and visual effects, like with this golden Piloted Shredder "Golden" redirects here. For information on golden heroes, see Golden heroes. Golden cards are special, rarer versions of cards. Each card hearthstone Unearthed Raptor 800 100


Unearthed Raptor is a rare Rarity is a rough measure of the quality and scarcity of a card. Cards of higher rarity are typically more powerful and more useful, but are harder to find and more expensive to craft. There hearthstone rogue Contents 1 Heroes 2 Overview 3 Background 4 Hero Power 4.1 Unique mechanics 5 Strategy 5.1 Countering a rogue 6 Spells 6.1 Uncollectible 7 Minions 7.1 Uncollectible 8 Weapons 8.1 Uncollectible 9 Leveling rewards 9.1 hearthstone minion Bloodfen Raptor, a simple minion card. A Beast-type minion, it has 3 Attack, 2 Health and a mana cost of 2. Minions are persistent creatures on the battlefield that will fight for their hero. Minion hearthstone card, from the League of Explorers "We ve traversed the tombs of Naxxramas; we ve climbed every cliff on Blackrock. Now, the world cries out for heroes, as a new evil rises. There will be danger! There will be doom! There will be hearthstone set.



Unearthed Raptor is strong with most Deathrattle A Loot Hoarder displaying the Deathrattle icon Deathrattle is an ability where the stated effect occurs when the minion or weapon is destroyed. Cards with Deathrattle appear with a skull and crossbones when in play. hearthstone cards but notable mentions go to Haunted Creeper Haunted Creeper Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Subtype: Beast Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Attack: 1 Health: 2 Abilities: Deathrattle, Summon Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Spectral Spiders.Arachnofauxbia: Fear of fake spiders.See this card on Hearthpwn data page] hearthstone and Nerubian Egg Nerubian Egg Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Rare Cost: 2 Attack: 0 Health: 2 Abilities: Deathrattle, Summon Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian.Eggs are a good source of protein and Nerubians.See this card on Hearthpwn data hearthstone due to curve (as well as most players will avoid destroying said cards in general).

Its effect can be synergized well with Jade Swarmer Jade Swarmer Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Rogue Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Attack: 1 Health: 1 Abilities: Deathrattle, Stealth, Summon Stealth, Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem.He s so good at swarming, he can hearthstone to summon another Jade Golem Jade Golem Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Druid, Rogue, Shaman Tri-class: Jade Lotus data page] Jade Golem is an uncollectible tri-class minion, summoned by various cards from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan hearthstone allowing you to have an extra +1/+1


Fixed bugs



Unearthed Raptor, full art


Unearthed Raptor is a Rogue Minion from the League of Explorers set.