

Deck type

Renolock is a control deck A control deck, also known as a late game deck, is a deck that attempts to attain victory in the late game, through a combination of early game removal and Taunts, and powerful cards in , and uses similar cards to other control Warlock decks, such as Twilight Drake Twilight Drake Set: Classic Type: Minion Subtype: Dragon Rarity: Rare Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 1 Abilities: Battlecry Tags: Hand-related Battlecry: Gain +1 Health for each card in your hand.Twilight drakes feed on Mystical Energy. hearthstone , Mountain Giant Mountain Giant Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Epic Cost: 12 Attack: 8 Health: 8 Abilities: Modify cost Tags: Hand-related, In-hand effect, Ongoing effect Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand.His mother said hearthstone and Lord Jaraxxus Lord Jaraxxus Set: Classic Type: Minion Subtype: Demon Class: Warlock Rarity: Legendary Cost: 9 Attack: 3 Health: 15 Abilities: Battlecry, Equip, Replace Hero Power Tags: Hero Power-related, Weapon-generating Battlecry: Destroy your hero and replace it hearthstone . Life Tap Life Tap Type: Hero Power Class: Warlock Cost: 2 Abilities: Deal damage, Draw cards Hero PowerDraw a card and take 2 damage.See this card on Hearthpwn data page] Life Tap is the warlock s basic Hero hearthstone is an essential part of Renolock, as drawing Reno Jackson as early as possible is important for countering aggro decks An aggro deck or aggressive deck, also known as a rush deck, is a deck that takes an aggressive approach of dealing damage to the opponent as quickly as possible, generally through the summoning of .


Key cards

Reno Jackson(27228).png
Twilight Drake(360).png
Siphon Soul(573).png
Brann Bronzebeard(27214).png
Lord Jaraxxus(482).png
