Patron Warrior


You think he`s angry now, just wait until he realizes he`s spilled his pint.

Patron Warrior is a warrior The  Warrior is one of the nine classes in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, represented by Garrosh Hellscream and Magni Bronzebeard. Contents 1 Heroes 2 Overview 3 Background 4 Hero Power 5 Strategy and gameplay 6 hearthstone combo deck A combo deck is a deck that revolves around executing one or more specific combinations of cards, to great effect. Combo decks may aim for one turn kills, slightly slower two or three turn kills, revolving around the use of Grim Patron Grim Patron Set: Blackrock Mountain Type: Minion Rarity: Rare Cost: 5 Attack: 3 Health: 3 Abilities: Summon Tags: Damage-related, Death-related, Triggered effect Whenever this minion survives damage, summon another Grim Patron.If you love getting your hearthstone . It uses cheap activators such as Whirlwind Whirlwind Set: Basic Type: Spell Class: Warrior Cost: 1 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Area of effect Deal 1 damage to ALL minions.The way to tell seasoned warriors from novice ones: the novices yell "wheeeee" while hearthstone , Inner Rage Inner Rage Set: Classic Type: Spell Class: Warrior Rarity: Common Cost: 0 Abilities: Deal damage Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack.They re only smiling on the outside.See this card on Hearthpwn hearthstone and Cruel Taskmaster Cruel Taskmaster Set: Classic Type: Minion Class: Warrior Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 2 Abilities: Battlecry, Deal damage Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it +2 Attack."I m going to need hearthstone , in combination with non-lethal trading A trade is the loss of one or more cards in exchange for the elimination of one or more enemy cards. Most often, trading refers to minions dying in combat, but the term may be , to repeatedly summon new Grim Patrons, leading to board control Board control is an unofficial term usually referring to a player s ability to keep the opponent from building up minions on the battlefield, or "board". Control decks are named after this strategy, aiming to control and a strong card advantage Sometimes, you’ll find yourself in a position where you can easily play your whole hand while your opponent is still holding on to close to the maximum of 10 cards. Unless you can win the .

Grim Patron provides a loose win condition A win condition is a specific means or strategy by which a deck can achieve victory. Decks may have one or more win conditions, and a win condition may be a specific aim of the for the Patron Warrior deck, through clearing the opponent`s board and enabling overwhelming damage to the enemy hero, but often serves as a mid-game combo rather than a finishing move. Patron Warrior also frequently includes Frothing Berserker Frothing Berserker Set: Classic Type: Minion Class: Warrior Rarity: Rare Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 4 Tags: Damage-related, Triggered effect Whenever a minion takes damage, gain +1 Attack.He used to work as an accountant before hearthstone as an alternate win condition, potentially growing to monstrous proportions in combination with the repeated trading of the Grim Patrons and a well-timed Whirlwind effect.

With other common cards such as Armorsmith Armorsmith Set: Classic Type: Minion Class: Warrior Rarity: Rare Cost: 2 Attack: 1 Health: 4 Abilities: Gain Armor Tags: Damage-related, Triggered effect Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, gain 1 Armor.She accepts guild funds for hearthstone and Acolyte of Pain Acolyte of Pain Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 3 Abilities: Draw cards Tags: Damage-related, Triggered effect Whenever this minion takes damage, draw a card.He trained when he was younger hearthstone , Patron Warrior featuresSpecial attraction a range of synergistic effects, all revolving around dealing damage to the warrior`s own minions. This range of synergies makes for a number of possible combos, resulting in what Ben Brode Ben Brode Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 3 Attack: 4 Health: 1 Your volume can t be reduced below maximum.See this card on Hearthpwn data page] "There is no way to contain the Brode." - Yong hearthstone describes as "one of the most strategically difficult decks to play in the game`s history".


Damage users

Grim Patron(14435).png
Frothing Berserker(69).png
Acolyte of Pain(428).png

Damage providers

Inner Rage(366).png
Cruel Taskmaster(328).png
Ravaging Ghoul(33161).png
Blood To Ichor(35209).png
Death`s Bite(7734).png

Other cards

Emperor Thaurissan(14454).png


Patron Warrior revolves strongly around the key class mechanic of benefiting from dealing damage to the warrior`s own minions. The addition of Grim Patron Grim Patron Set: Blackrock Mountain Type: Minion Rarity: Rare Cost: 5 Attack: 3 Health: 3 Abilities: Summon Tags: Damage-related, Death-related, Triggered effect Whenever this minion survives damage, summon another Grim Patron.If you love getting your hearthstone in Blackrock Mountain "Have you heard the rumblings? The mountain stirs once more. Beneath its crags, cliffs and rocks, there s evil in its core. Fire made flesh! Dragon s breath! Teeth and claw and flame! Calling any heroes out hearthstone enabled the creation of this distinct progression of the archetype through the repeated trading and non-lethal damaging of the Grim Patrons. Grim Patron was originally used in combination with Warsong Commander Warsong Commander Set: Basic Type: Minion Class: Warrior Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 3 Tags: Charge-related, Ongoing effect Your Charge minions have +1 Attack.The Warsong clan is such drama. It s really not worth it to hearthstone to devastating effect - Warsong Commander`s previous text being Whenever you summon a minion with 3 or less Attack, give it Charge. - but the latter card was nerfed A nerf is a card change that causes a card to become less effective or less powerful. The opposite of a nerf is a buff (not to be confused with the identical term for an with Patch, disabling this combo.