Pandaren art


This page lists cards with card art depicting pandaren.



Name / Desc Rarity Type Subtype Class Cost Atk HP Description
Ancient Brewmaster Ancient Brewmaster Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 4 Attack: 5 Health: 4 Abilities: Battlecry, Return to hand Battlecry: Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand.Most pandaren say his brew tastes hearthstone Common Minion Any 4 5 4 Battlecry: Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand.Most pandaren say his brew tastes like yak. But apparently that`s a compliment.
Shado-Pan Rider Common Minion Rogue 5 3 7 Combo: Gain +3 Attack.He needed a break after that business in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Naturally, he chose to spend his vacation in an icy snowscape killing monsters.
Youthful Brewmaster Youthful Brewmaster Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Attack: 3 Health: 2 Abilities: Battlecry, Return to hand Battlecry: Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand.His youthful enthusiasm doesn’t always equal hearthstone Common Minion Any 2 3 2 Battlecry: Return a friendly minion from the battlefield to your hand.His youthful enthusiasm doesn’t always equal excellence in his brews. Don’t drink the Mogu Stout!
Disciple of C`Thun Disciple of C Thun Set: Whispers of the Old Gods Type: Minion Rarity: Rare Cost: 3 Attack: 2 Health: 1 Abilities: Battlecry, Deal damage Battlecry: Deal 2 damage. Give your C Thun +2/+2 (wherever it is).C’Thun’s recruiting hearthstone Rare Minion Any 3 2 1 Battlecry: Deal 2 damage. Give your C`Thun +2/+2 (wherever it is).C’Thun’s recruiting pitch involves cookies, which is why it’s the most popular Old God.
Lotus Agents Lotus Agents Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Druid, Rogue, Shaman Tri-class: Jade Lotus Rarity: Rare Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry, Discover Battlecry: Discover a Druid, Rogue or Shaman card.Mostly, hearthstone Rare Minion Druid, Rogue, Shaman 5 5 3 Battlecry: Discover a Druid, Rogue or Shaman card.Mostly, they stand around and look cool.
Lotus Assassin Lotus Assassin Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Rogue Rarity: Epic Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Stealth Tags: Triggered effect Stealth. Whenever this minion kills an enemy, gain Stealth.For 5000g, you hearthstone Epic Minion Rogue 5 5 5 Stealth. Whenever this minion kills an enemy, gain Stealth.For 5000g, you can just give the Jade Lotus any name and they will assassinate and/or embarrass them.
Aya Blackpaw Aya Blackpaw Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Druid, Rogue, Shaman Tri-class: Jade Lotus Rarity: Legendary Cost: 6 Attack: 5 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry, Deathrattle, Summon Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem.Though hearthstone Legendary Minion Druid, Rogue, Shaman 6 5 3 Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem.Though young, Aya took over as the leader of Jade Lotus through her charisma and strategic acumen when her predecessor was accidentally crushed by a jade golem.
Lorewalker Cho Lorewalker Cho Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 2 Attack: 0 Health: 4 Abilities: Copy, Generate Tags: Spell-generating, Spell-related, Triggered effect Whenever a player casts a spell, put a copy into the other player s hearthstone Legendary Minion Any 2 0 4 Whenever a player casts a spell, put a copy into the other player`s hand.Lorewalker Cho archives and shares tales from the land of Pandaria, but his favorite story is the one where Joey and Phoebe go on a road trip.
Madam Goya Madam Goya Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Neutral Rarity: Legendary Cost: 6 Attack: 4 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry, Put into battlefield, Shuffle into deck Tags: Random Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Swap hearthstone Legendary Minion Any 6 4 3 Battlecry: Choose a friendly minion. Swap it with a minion in your deck.She has set up her Black Market here in Gadgetzan for one purpose, to make a KILLING when Beanie Babies make their inevitable comeback.
The Storm Guardian The Storm Guardian Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Shaman Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 10 Health: 10 Abilities: Taunt TauntSee this card on Hearthpwn data page] The Storm Guardian is an uncollectible hearthstone Legendary Minion Shaman 5 10 10 Taunt
White Eyes White Eyes Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Shaman Rarity: Legendary Cost: 5 Attack: 5 Health: 5 Abilities: Deathrattle, Generate, Shuffle into deck, Taunt TauntDeathrattle: Shuffle The Storm Guardian into your deck.My life hearthstone Legendary Minion Shaman 5 5 5 Taunt
Deathrattle: Shuffle `The Storm Guardian` into your deck.My life for Aya!
Showing all 11 cards
Ancient Brewmaster(572).png
Shado-Pan Rider(22305).png
Youthful Brewmaster(247).png
Disciple of C`Thun(35196).png
Lotus Agents(49629).png
Lotus Assassin(49619).png
Aya Blackpaw(49706).png
Lorewalker Cho(456).png
Madam Goya(49684).png
The Storm Guardian(49774).png
White Eyes(49726).png

Pandaren art

Name / Desc Rarity Type Subtype Class Cost Atk HP Description
Mark of the Lotus Mark of the Lotus Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Spell Class: Druid Rarity: Common Cost: 1 Tags: Area of effect Give your minions +1/+1.The mark of the Lotus is a little flower drawn in hearthstone Common Spell Druid 1 Give your minions +1/+1.⃂The mark of the Lotus is a little flower drawn in permanent marker on the ankle.
Lunar Visions Lunar Visions Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Spell Class: Druid Rarity: Epic Cost: 5 Abilities: Draw cards, Modify cost Draw 2 cards. Minions drawn costs (2) less.The true mystery of lunar visions is how hearthstone Epic Spell Druid 5 Draw 2 cards. Minions drawn costs (2) less.⃂The true mystery of lunar visions is how there is nothing to watch when there are so many channels.
Showing all 2 cards
Mark of the Lotus(49642).png
Lunar Visions(49635).png