
How to get

Hallucination can be obtained through Classic The card set interface Card sets are categories into which collectible cards are divided, reflecting how they can be obtained, and determining whether they are eligible for use in Standard format. Card set does not hearthstone card packs Card pack concept art Card packs are items that players can open to acquire cards for filling a player s collection. Only card packs for the current Standard format sets are available for purchase in the hearthstone , through crafting Crafting mode, in Standard format mode The crafting system is an element of Hearthstone that allows players to directly create new cards. It can be accessed through the My Collection screen. Crafting consumes Arcane Dust hearthstone , or as an Arena A video explaining the Arena in Hearthstone made by the Curse Gamepedia @@@#@@@YouTube(youtube.com)###@### Channel. The Arena is a game mode where players compete against each other using specially constructed decks to earn substantial rewards. It hearthstone reward. Golden Golden cards often add movement and visual effects, like with this golden Piloted Shredder "Golden" redirects here. For information on golden heroes, see Golden heroes. Golden cards are special, rarer versions of cards. Each card hearthstone Hallucination can also be obtained through the Highest Rank Bonus chest The 25 numbered ranks in Ranked play. Ranked (also known as Ranked Play) is the serious side of Play mode, with players able to earn special ranks to reflect their prowess in battle this season. hearthstone at the end of each Ranked The 25 numbered ranks in Ranked play. Ranked (also known as Ranked Play) is the serious side of Play mode, with players able to earn special ranks to reflect their prowess in battle this season. hearthstone season The 25 numbered ranks in Ranked play. Ranked (also known as Ranked Play) is the serious side of Play mode, with players able to earn special ranks to reflect their prowess in battle this season. hearthstone .

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
Hallucination 40 5
Golden Golden cards often add movement and visual effects, like with this golden Piloted Shredder "Golden" redirects here. For information on golden heroes, see Golden heroes. Golden cards are special, rarer versions of cards. Each card hearthstone Hallucination 400 50


Hallucination is a common Rarity is a rough measure of the quality and scarcity of a card. Cards of higher rarity are typically more powerful and more useful, but are harder to find and more expensive to craft. There hearthstone rogue Contents 1 Heroes 2 Overview 3 Background 4 Hero Power 4.1 Unique mechanics 5 Strategy 5.1 Countering a rogue 6 Spells 6.1 Uncollectible 7 Minions 7.1 Uncollectible 8 Weapons 8.1 Uncollectible 9 Leveling rewards 9.1 hearthstone spell Fireball, a simple mage spell. It costs 4 mana, dealing 6 damage to a chosen target. Spell cards are cards that can be played to trigger a one time effect or ability, described in the hearthstone card, from the Journey to Un`Goro  "We re almost there. Quiet down, everyone.  "This is not like any of our previous expeditions. This will be far more... ambitious. We re stepping into a land of primordial wonders, infused with astonishing elemental energies. The hearthstone set.



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