Hyperstone Dota2


Version 6.03 (6.03) Dota2

Version 6.03(Full list) Removed Razzle and God of Wind heroes. Release Date DotA:Date Needed  ← 6.026.03b →  -Mega creeps restored (killing all rax) -Techies ultimate -Fixed Fury Swipes -Ursa Warrior now properly melee hero -Epicenter
Version 6.03 (Version 6.03) Dota2

Version 6.03(Full list) Removed Razzle and God of Wind heroes. Release Date DotA:Date Needed  ← 6.026.03b →  -Mega creeps restored (killing all rax) -Techies ultimate -Fixed Fury Swipes -Ursa Warrior now properly melee hero -Epicenter