

The spectating interface, with elements labeled.

Spectating is an in-game function available for all live games. This featureSpecial attraction is also known as DotaTV. It can be accessed under the Watch tab. Spectating can be done as a Party “ Play Now it s a party! Click to listen— Storm Spirit ” Players can form parties to play matchmaking games with each other on the same team. Unlike a Guild or a Team, parties are not formalized .

Third party streams can also be viewed from Dota 2`s official streaming hub.

Spectator Options

The Spectator Options panel.



Spectators can select which style of camerawork to watch from.

Camera Style Description
Direct Camera Camera automatically follows important events across the map.
Free Camera User is given full control of the camera, and access to Showcase View Play “Singing trio.” It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple new articles. Reason given: The shop should get its own page Discussion to support or oppose the split should be dota2 .
Player Perspective Camera is shown from the player`s perspective. Click on a player`s top icon to select his/her vision.
Hero Chase Camera centers and follows a hero. Click on a player`s top icon to follow his/her hero.


Spectators can select from up to 6 broadcasters to listen to.


Camera Style Description
Both Teams Sees map vision of both teams in the map.
The Radiant Sees map vision of Radiant team.
The Dire Sees map vision of Dire team.

Game Stats

The stats chart, showing net worth arranged from highest to lowest.

The Game Stats is a drop-down chart that arranges players by certain statistical values. They can be toggled by hotkeys The game basic hotkeys setting menu with no hotkeys set. The game advanced hotkeys setting menu with no hotkeys set. The hotkeys settings can be accessed by clicking on the little gear icon in the dota2 .

Stats Listing
Last Hits/Denies
Hero Level
XP Per Minute
Current Gold
Net Worth
Gold Per Minute
Buyback Status
Fantasy Points


Order Explanation
Spectator-stats-icon1.png Order all players by value
Spectator-stats-icon2.png Order players by faction (Radiant and Dire)
Spectator-stats-icon3.png Order players by faction, then value

Item Chart

The Item Chart.

The Item Chart allows spectators to view all items in each player`s Inventory and Stash Play “Singing trio.” It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple new articles. Reason given: The shop should get its own page Discussion to support or oppose the split should be dota2 .

Experience Graph

The Experience Graph.

The Experience Graph shows the experience disparity between the two teams, as well as the time and impact of kills made by both sides.

Gold Graph

The Gold Graph.

The Gold Graph shows the gold disparity between the two teams, as well as the time and impact of kills made by both sides.

Fight Recap

The Fight Recap screen.

The Fight Recap screen displays information and statistics from the latest teamfight.

It includes:


The Pennant counter tracks how many spectators are displaying this team`s Pennant.

Players can equip Pennants Pennants have been ignored since The International 2 ended and were replaced by the Favorite Team feature in The International 2017 Battle Pass. Team Pennants Pennant Rarity: Mythical Buy Now on Market Show your support dota2 in the Fan slot of the Loadout The Loadout screen allows players to equip cosmetic items. It can be accessed from the main menu, or during pre-game after picking a hero. Equipped items can be changed during games, and will be reflected dota2 screen. Pennants will be displayed when spectating live Tournament games where the corresponding team is playing. Owning a pennant gives the spectator a chance to receive a Heroic A Heroic item received from spectating NADotA Elite League Heroic items are commemorative items that dropped during a Tournament for spectators watching in-game or on Twitch.tv with a linked Steam account. General Information edit] Heroic dota2 quality item from the Crafting List The Crafting List defines what cosmetic items may be acquired through crafting recipes, Gifts, Tournament drops (Heroic items), and certain event rewards. It often shares many entries with the Drop List, but is not identical. dota2 when watching a Tournament game with at least 100 spectators.


Players can equip gifts in the Action Item slot of the Loadout screen. It can be activated with a hotkey to give cosmetic items to a number of random players and other spectators in the game.

Exiting Spectator Mode

Click on the "X" at the top right corner to exit spectator mode.

Auto Spectating

Tournament Tournaments are competitive events featuring professional and amateur teams from around the world. Most tournaments are divided into two separate phases: Qualifiers, where teams play against each other to grab a spot at the tournament; dota2 games can be spectated automatically.

Other information

  • Players will be notified in-game if 25 spectators are spectating their game.
  • There is a slight time delay to prevent cheating.
    • Time delay can be adjusted for private lobby games (10 seconds or 2 minutes).