

Associated with
Places Dark Reef Dark Reef Associated with Heroes Slark Races SlithereenNagaMeranth Factions Deep OnesDark Reef DozenConclave of the Brine Gods Dark OnesSkadi Characters Siltbreaker Species Glow Conch Cosmetics Reef s Edge Dark Reef is an underwater prison that houses dota2
Cosmetics Hookblade of Skadi Hookblade of Skadi Wearable SlarkRarity: RareSlot: Weapon Buy Now on Market In the depths of Dark Reef Prison, Slark dug up this Skadi Blade, buried by some long-forgotten inmate. This mysterious weapon encouraged him in dota2
The Barb of Skadi The Barb of Skadi Wearable SlarkRarity: ImmortalSlot: Weapon Buy Now on Market Deep in Dark Reef Prison, a sorcerer and a blacksmith combined their trades to create a unique weapon. Fashioned from found materials, the dota2

Skadi is a goddess. Little is known about her, save that her "eyes" are used in crafting artifacts and weapons. A Skadi Blade was found in Dark Reef Dark Reef Associated with Heroes Slark Races SlithereenNagaMeranth Factions Deep OnesDark Reef DozenConclave of the Brine Gods Dark OnesSkadi Characters Siltbreaker Species Glow Conch Cosmetics Reef s Edge Dark Reef is an underwater prison that houses dota2 prison. Another Skadi weapon was crafted by a blacksmith and a wizard, from materials found in Dark Reef.


Eye of Skadi (also known as Skadi) is an excellent late game item providing high stat gain. The components of Skadi are purchased from the Home Shop and Secret Shop. Orb of Venom can also be purchased from the Side Shop.


Cold Attack
Ability: Passive
Affects: Enemy Units
On attack, will slow the movement speed and attack speed of the enemy target. The duration of the slow depends on whether the user is a melee or ranged hero.
Movement Slow:
Attack Slow:
Slow Duration:
₠5 (Melee user)
₠2.5 (Ranged user)
Affected By:₠
  • Can be purged.

Notable heroes

  • Morphling: Morphling is a hero that excels at right click damage but has a short attack range. Eye of Skadi allows him to chase enemy heroes more effectively, while providing a large stat boost (allowing him to morph more agility).

Recommended Heroes

Version History

Patch Version Balance Changes
  • No longer a Unique Attack Modifier
  • Cold Attack slow duration for ranged heroes from 3 to 2.5 seconds (Remains 5 seconds for melee)
  • Frost Attack attack speed slow increased from 35 to 45
  • Eye of Skadi MS/AS slow increased from 30/20 to 35/35
  • HP bonus increased from 200 to 250
  • MP bonus increased from 150 to 250
  • Cold Attack slow duration increased from 2/4 (range/melee) to 3/5
  • Orb of venom Cost reduced from 550 to 500
  • No longer requires the 300 gold recipe
  • Orb of Venom added as a component. Final bonuses are the same as before
  • Recipe price decreased from 750 to 300
  • Lowered recipe cost (1250 ⃢₆ₒ 750 gold)

WC3 DotA Version

  • Warcraft III DotA - Eye of Skadi