Robe of the Magi


Item Changelogs   Item   Changelogs     Contents 1 Version history 2 Update history Version history edit] Version Changes 6.87 No longer builds into Drum of Endurance. No longer builds into Veil of Discord. 6.86 Now
Robe of the Magi
This robe corrupts the soul of the user, but provides wisdom in return.
Bought From
Attributes Play “Singing trio.” It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple new articles. Reason given: The shop should get its own page Discussion to support or oppose the split should be dota2
Bonus +6 Intelligence   Item   Old Abilities   Changelogs     Blade MailBL A razor-sharp coat of mail, it is the choice of selfless martyrs in combat. Cost2200 Bought FromArmor Active Damage Return Bonus +10 Intelligence+6 Armor+22 dota2
Disassemble? No
Alert allies? No

The Robe of the Magi is an item Play “Singing trio.” It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple new articles. Reason given: The shop should get its own page Discussion to support or oppose the split should be dota2 bought at the Main Shop, under Attributes Play “Singing trio.” It has been suggested that this article or section be split into multiple new articles. Reason given: The shop should get its own page Discussion to support or oppose the split should be dota2 , and at the Side Lane Shop The Side Lane Shops are two extra shops located on the Radiant side of the bottom lane and the Dire side of the top lane, near the river. The Side Lane Shop sells certain items .

Additional information


Robe of the Magi (also known as Robe) is an early game Attribute Item purchasable from the Home Shop and the Side Shop. It can be built into a variety of powerful mid game items.

Recommended Heroes

Heroes that would benefit from a larger mana pool may want to purchase the Robe as the first item in the recipe towards a bigger upgrade item.

Version History

Patch Version Balance Changes

WC3 DotA Version

  • Warcraft III DotA - Robe of the Magi