

The lobby screen

A lobby can be used to play a private match with specific people. Lobby matches do not count towards a player`s stats, and do not give Trophy Points   Trophies   Changelogs     The Trophies panel Trophies are records of a player s in-game achievements, acquired by performing various feats and participating in Events. Collecting trophies will earn points and Dota levels, which dota2 or item drops “ Play Just what I always wanted! Click to listen— Meepo ” The item drop system is a featureSpecial attraction that allows players to obtain cosmetic items for free through playing the game. Drops cannot be sold on . Players can find open lobbies via password; lobbies that have no password can be freely accessed by friends or guild-mates. Lobbies can be created and accessed within the PLAY tab.


Lobby password and other options can be set at any point during lobby creation. Players can join the lobby if they know the password; if no password is set, the lobby can be found through being friends or a guild The guild overview screen A guild is an organization of players that can chat and form parties together. Guilds can be created and accessed in-game from the Community tab. A player may be in up dota2 .


Lobby functions

Upon joining a lobby, players can join either Radiant Radiant Associated with Heroes Arc Warden Factions Dire Places Mad Moon Cosmetics Radiant Ore Other Lore Radiant OreNemesis Stones The Radiant is a faction in Dota 2. It is characterized by a bright, natural theme. dota2 or Dire Dire Associated with Heroes Arc Warden Factions Radiant Places Mad Moon Other Lore DirestoneNemesis Stones The Dire is a faction in Dota 2. It is characterized by a dark, gloomy theme. The top right half dota2 , or a broadcaster slot. A team identity may be applied to either team, and bots of any difficulty may be added to player slots. Teams may be swapped or automatically balanced.

Broadcaster Channels

Players in a broadcaster channel will join the game as a spectator. There will be no time delay. Broadcasters can chat with players. If players spectate the game through normal means, they may opt to tune in to one of the broadcasters. Broadcasters can rename their channel and set a country flag icon. There are six broadcaster channels, each able to hold up to 4 broadcasters.

Basic options

A game mode “ Play If that s the kind of fight they want, then I will give it to them! Click to listen— Legion Commander ” Game modes are a set of restrictions within which the game of Dota 2 dota2 and server location can be specified, along with a lobby password.

Competitive options

Gameplay options

Spectator options