Bloodstone Changelogs


Item Changelogs

Version history

Pocket Deny See the in-game item. For the Beta memorial gems, see Bloodstone of the Ancestor, Bloodstone of the Precursor, and Bloodstone of the Founder.   Item   Changelogs     Bloodstone The Bloodstone s dota2 :
Instantly causes the user to die
Cast range: 100
Cooldown: 300
Notes: Counts as a deny. Causes a regular death, so all of Bloodpact`s on-death effects still apply. Must target ground, to prevent accidental usage.
Old Bloodpact
Gains charges for every kill you make. Each charge grants health and mana regeneration. When dying, heals allies health and mana within a big radius and leaves a mark on the ground which grants vision and causes your hero to continue gain experience around it. Also reduces gold loss and respawn timer when dying. This reductions are twice as strong when having charges.
Charge per kill: 1 (2 if empty)
Health and mana regeneration per charge: 1.5
Death charge loss: 1
Death heal radius: 1675
Death health heal: 450
Death mana restore: 400
Death gold loss reduction: 20% (40% when having charges)
Death respawn time reduction: 10% (20% when having charges)
New Bloodpact:
Gains a charge for every dying enemy hero within range. Each charge grants mana regeneration. When dying, heals allies health within a big radius based on the number of charges and leaves a mark on the ground which grants vision and causes your hero to continue gain experience around it. Also reduces gold loss and respawn time when dying based on the number of charges.
Charge gain radius: 1000
Charge per enemy death: 1
Mana regeneration per charge: 1
Death charge loss: 50% (rounded down)
Death heal radius: 1675
Death health heal: 400 + 25 * charges
Death gold loss reduction: 25 * charges
Death respawn time reduction: 3 * charges
  • Created.