Passive / Aura
Passive / Aura
Structure takes reduced damage, and quickly regenerates any damage taken while no enemy creeps are nearby.
Search Radius: 900
Heal per Second: 90
Damage Reduction: 25%
Protected Illusion Damage Reduction: 75%
Unprotected Illusion Attack Damage Reduction: 60%
Reactivation Delay: 15
Backdoor Protection Active: Undispellable.
- All buildings, except for tier 1 towers and the shrines outside of the base have this ability.
- The backdoor protections of tier 2 towers outside the base are all independent from each other and from the base backdoor protection.
- Be that as it may, the protection of buildings inside the base is bound together. If one of them loses backdoor protection, all of them do.
- The unit detection is aura Auras are passive abilities that grant a buff or debuff to units in an area of effect around the holder, or in some cases, over a short period at a targeted point or unit. By -based. If an enemy lane creep gets within 900 radius of the building, the protection is lost.
- The aura`s effect lingers for 0.5 seconds, so the total reactivation delay is effectively 15.5 seconds.
- While protected, the building takes 25% less damage from any source, and 75% less damage from illusions Default buff iconPlay Spawn soundPlay Death sound “ Play A legion sprouts from one! Click to listen— Phantom Lancer ” Illusions (also commonly called illus) are imperfect, weaker copies of heroes, created by spells or items. They .
- This includes spell damage Spell damage Spell damage sources Spell damage is all damage which is not dealt by physical attacks. This includes all spells which deal magical, physical or pure damage. Even the damage , not only attacks, including spells cast by illusions.
- While unprotected, the building only takes 60% less damage from illusion attacks (excluding their spells).
- If a backdoor-protected building is damaged by an enemy, it immediately starts healing back.
- Heals 9 health in 0.1 second intervals, which translates to 90 health per second.
- This means, it is possible to destroy protected buildings by dealing more than 90 damage per second ( after reductions There are several ways to affect the final value of a damage instance. Damage can be manipulated on both ends, from the dealing unit (outgoing damage) and the receiving unit (incoming damage). Armor and magic ).
- Only heals back damage dealt by enemy units. Damaged dealt by allies is not healed back.
True Sight Invisibility is a status effect which makes units and heroes not appear on their opponent s screen or minimap, and makes them unable to be targeted directly by the enemy. Invisibility makes the unit s model appear
Adds the ability to see invisible units and wards to any allied vision within the structure`s range.
Truesight: Undispellable.
- The True Sight Invisibility is a status effect which makes units and heroes not appear on their opponent s screen or minimap, and makes them unable to be targeted directly by the enemy. Invisibility makes the unit s model appear is provided within the whole area, regardless of the buildings actual vision. It is fully unobstructed.
- The True Sight is provided by an aura Auras are passive abilities that grant a buff or debuff to units in an area of effect around the holder, or in some cases, over a short period at a targeted point or unit. By which affects enemies. Its debuff lingers for 0.5 seconds.
- Cannot detect units under the effect of Shadow Dance, Smoke of Deceit Item Changelogs Smoke of DeceitB The charlatan wizard Myrddin s only true contribution to the arcane arts. Cost50 Bought FromConsumables Active Smoke of Deceit Charges 1 Disassemble? No Alert allies? Yes Recipe and Techies Hero Strategy Counters Equipment Gear Responses Sounds Lore Old Abilities Changelogs Techies 17 + 2.3 14 + 1.3 22 + 2.9 Level Base ` mines under the effect of an Aghanim`s Scepter Item Upgraded Abilities Old Abilities Lore Changelogs Aghanim s Scepter The scepter of a wizard with demigod-like powers. Cost4200 Bought FromCaster Passive Ultimate Upgrade Bonus +10 Strength+10 Agility+10 Intelligence+175 upgraded Minefield Sign.
See the two Ancients on either side of the map, and the main objective of the game. For other uses, see Ancient (disambiguation) Ancient or Ancients may refer to: Ancients, the two large structures on either side of the map, and the main objectives of the game. Ancient creeps, stronger neutral creeps that usually take little damage from .
See more: Buildings
- The Ancient found in each team`s base.
- Ancient creeps, tougher magic immune creeps found in the Ancient camps.
- Ancient Apparition